Save Calvary Hospital 1080px

In 1979, Calvary Hospital in the Australian Capital Territory began its good work at the invitation of the commonwealth government.

The ACT government has compulsory acquired Calvary Hospital, despite the lease being for 120 years with 76 years to run.

Why? Because Calvary Hospital will not kill children in the womb and kill old people.

What other community groups are under threat in the ACT?

Clare Holland House is one of the most revered institutions in the ACT. It provides superb palliative care under the umbrella of Calvary Hospital.

We know that the ACT government has not taken up the majority of recommendations for palliative care from its “End of Life” inquiry. It naively thinks Voluntary Assisted Dying, a nice way of saying killing old people, is the solution to end of life issues. Those who respect human life disagree.

Who else could be affected? The Association of Independent Schools of the ACT must be sweating. Imagine the scenario. Independent schools decide not to promote gender transitioning, based not on religious grounds, but on compounding scientific evidence. Suddenly, teachers, parents and children lose their rights as ordinary citizens.

Which state will be emboldened by this ridiculous behaviour? This is a serious issue with grave consequences for the Federation. The Prime Minister must get involved. After all, the commonwealth government invited Calvary to Canberra. Nothing less than the rule of law is at stake.

No Australian likes to be dispossessed of their land and property. No Australian likes their contract ripped up unilaterally. One of the most significant reasons why Australia is a free and fair nation is because of our property rights, which ensure stability. Property rights are a key “natural mechanism”, ensuring both the creation of wealth and its just distribution.

This move by the ACT government is dangerous, totalitarian in nature. Suddenly, everything is up for grabs.

Please send a message to the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese calling on him to intervene.