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Here at FamilyVoice we are outraged to learn that the Australian Classification Board is allowing a sexually explicit pornographic book, aimed at teenagers, to be accessible in bookshops and libraries by children of any age!

The 2019 book by Maia Kobabe features graphic descriptions and sexually explicit pictures within the context of exploring a confused sexual identity. It is widely banned in the United States of America.

But our Australian Classification Board has placed no restriction on Gender Queer – A Memoir that features cartoon-style explicit sexual content that is obviously aimed at young readers.

We have no confidence in the Australian Classification Board and have said so publically.

We thank God that radio 2SM has reported our concerns during its news bulletins today, noting that pressure is mounting on the federal government because of this appalling situation.

The Australian Classification Board is appointed by the federal government and is funded by your taxes. It should protect children from exposure to harmful material, but is failing miserably in its duty and should be sacked.

The board should consist of ordinary Australians who are prepared to protect children and teenagers from confusing, explicit and harmful material.

It’s unacceptable for the Australian Classification Council to simply provide consumer advice that the book is not recommended for readers under 15 years.

Parents should have confidence that material openly accessible to children and teenagers who visit bookshops and public libraries will be appropriate and will not add to the growing problem of identity confusion.

As the role of all God’s people is to be salt and light, please don’t leave the response only to dedicated ministries such as FamilyVoice, but let’s all pray and raise our voices of concern.

When we think about the arresting words that Jesus spoke about those who would lead little ones into sin, we must also ensure we are not effectively standing idle, but are prepared to echo our Lord’s warning.

Please take a few moments to raise your concern.