Join 365Life

365Life is an initiative of FamilyVoice Australia to protect unborn children through spreading the Pro-Life message. We have several hundred active volunteers who spread 365Life cards in their communities. Each card features a Pro-Life message to raise awareness about the value of the unborn and a link to connect struggling mothers to pregnancy support centres.

Every card can save a life!

You can help by becoming a 365Life volunteer. Simply sign up with the form below to receive a free pack of cards in the post, then follow our guidelines to distribute or place an average of one card per day somewhere in your community, so that the card will be picked up and its message considered. We’ll send you another pack when you run out.

Changing Culture

With one in four Australian babies being terminated, the pro-life campaign could be the greatest humanitarian effort in Australia’s history!

Eventually, as minds change, we’ll be able to change laws to protect all babies – including in the womb. We’ll save tens of thousands of children!

We Need Your Help

With your help, and our wonderful team around Australia, we hope to grow to 2,740 volunteers, placing 1,000,000 cards. When we reach our goal, an Australian will be reading a pro-life message every 4 seconds!

Provide your details to receive your free cards

Simply CLICK HERE and fill out the online form and we will send you out your first pack of cards.


Your giving makes a difference!

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