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Boys are dropping out of school. For every 17-year-old girl not going to school in 2020 there were 1.5 boys. That trend has been getting worse for the last half-century.

Boys are being left behind. NAPLAN results tracking basic skills show more boys than girls falling below minimum standards in every subject. In the writing test, boys in Year 9 are trailing girls by almost two full years. Boys in Year 7 are about twice as likely to be in trouble as girls. Overall, 11 per cent of teenage boys can’t read at a minimum standard. Even in numeracy, more boys are below par.

We are very pleased that girl’s education in Australia has improved. Surely, we can do better for our boys as well.

With the federal election fast approaching will the Coalition commit to helping boys do better in education while retaining the excellent results for girls.

Fill in your details below to easily send a message to Scott Morrison asking him to commit to this.