QLD Director

Andrew McColl - Queensland Director

Andrew and his wife Sue attended Bible College together in the Blue Mountains of NSW, and since marrying 43 years ago, they have lived and worked in 4 states of Australia.

Andrew (B.A., Dip.Ed., M. Ed) completed his BA and Dip. Ed at the University of New England, and worked for 8 years at Australian Christian Academy, and later 8 years as a Distance Education teacher with Jubilee Christian College, from 2014-2021.

They home educated their 3 sons for 13 years, and they retain a strong interest in this vital form of education. Now, their 4 grandchildren are being home educated.

Andrew wrote “They Shall Become One” and “The Significance of the Godly Family” in 2008, “Inherit the Earth” (for mid-high school students) in 2018, and he has recently published (for senior students) “The Great Christian Revolution,” a series of 11 studies dealing with some of the applications of a Christian worldview.

Andrew served as Chairman of Family Voice Australia (Qld) from 2005-2008. He and Sue take a vital interest in the influence of the Christian community locally and in national affairs.

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