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Fred Nile has slammed the latest attempt to legalise euthanasia in NSW, introduced by NSW independent MP Alex Greenwich.

"The Christian Democratic Party has been the crucial vote in defeating similar euthanasia legislation in 2017 and fully intends to vote NO again. We stand for life,” said Nile.

In the FamilyVoice webinar on the ‘NO’ Case for Euthanasia in NSW, it was noted that Canada has fully legalised Euthanasia since June 2016 (legal in Quebec since 2015). The Canadian Government’s own stats confirm that 21 589 Canadians have been killed since enactment in 2016. Based on annual reporting from the Canadian Government that figure has increased year on year.

“This should cause worry to Australians as Canada is very similar to us, we speak the same language, we are both constitutional monarchies, our legal systems are based on common law and our values are alike as well. Could thousands be killed in Australia if Euthanasia was legalised? Absolutely”, Nile added.

FamilyVoice’s NSW State Director, who hosted The ‘NO’ Case for Euthanasia in NSW webinar, has been working with various ‘Faith Groups’ under the Coalition for Life campaign aimed at ensuring that the proposed euthanasia bill does not see the light of day on the floor of NSW Parliament.

There are plans under way by FamilyVoice for additional meetings with MPs on highlighting the ‘truth’ about euthanasia and the harmful impact it has on all who are coerced into submitting to VAD.