Jim Chalmers census 1080px

The Albanese Government has allowed a highly invasive and deeply concerning set of questions about sex and gender to be included in the upcoming census. These questions go beyond what is necessary for effective data collection, infringing on the privacy of every Australian.

Under the new guidelines, Australians will be asked deeply personal questions about their sexual identity, regardless of whether such details are relevant to public policy. This kind of data collection has the potential to violate individual privacy and could lead to government overreach in a highly sensitive area of personal life.

We need to stand up against these unnecessary intrusions. Asking people about their sexual practices and gender identity, especially in a government-mandated survey, is an overstep and an invasion of privacy.

It’s time to tell our leaders that the census should not pry into our personal lives. We need the government to focus on real issues like housing, education, and health, not delve into our bedrooms.

Take action now: Contact Jim Chalmers and let him know that you oppose the inclusion of creepy sex questions in the census.

Australia deserves a census that respects privacy and dignity, not one that makes us uncomfortable about what personal details we are forced to disclose.

Fill out the form below to send a message to Jim Chalmers and let him know you reject this overreach into our personal lives.