Stop human rights act 1080px

The contentious new “Human Rights Act” being considered by the Albanese Government poses serious threats to our nation. This legislation, though seemingly innocuous, is designed by activists to push social agendas that have not succeeded through the democratic process. It is imperative that we oppose this Act for the sake of our freedoms and democracy.

Key Issues

  1. Unnecessary Legislation: Australia already has a strong human rights record. A Human Rights Act has been proposed and rejected multiple times throughout our history, reflecting the robustness of our current system.

  2. Erosion of Human Rights: The proposed Bill undermines key internationally recognized rights, selectively devaluing protections for freedoms of thought, conscience, religion, and belief.

  3. Downgrades Individual Freedoms: The Act introduces a ‘single limitation clause’ that allows the government to restrict any intrinsic rights, potentially leading to excessive restrictions on freedoms of religion and expression.

  4. Weakens Parliamentary Democracy: This Act would transfer significant power from Parliament to the judiciary, inserting vague concepts into law and leading to judicial entanglement in moral and political controversies, much like in the United States.

  5. Ineffectiveness at State Level: Similar Acts in Victoria, Queensland, and the ACT have proven ineffective, especially evident during the pandemic when these states were among the worst offenders against human rights.

Send a quick message now urging Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus to reject the dangerous legislation.