Urgent Action on Babies Left to Die 1080px

Senator Ralph Babet will raise a Urgency Motion today in the Senate. He has co-sponsored the Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022 with Senator Matt Canavan and Senator Alex Antic. 
His Senate Urgency Motion today is: 
“The need for the Senate to recognise that at least one baby is born alive every 7 days following a failed abortion and left to die, and that Australia’s health care system is enabling these inhumane deaths; and for the Senate to condemn this practice, noting that babies born alive as a result of a failed abortion deserve care”.

Please let Senators know that this is a critical issue and that their response will change how you vote at the next federal election. 
As Australia is a signatory to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child this is an issue which can be addressed by the federal parliament through the external affairs power in the Constitution.  
The passage of the Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022 (Cth) is urgently required to address the barbaric and unequal treatment of babies born alive after an abortion in Australia.

Yesterday another courageous midwife gave her testimony in the Queensland Parliament in support of MP Robbie Katter who has introduced the Termination of Pregnancy (Live Births) Amendment Bill 2024. 
This bill will then mandate the protection and care of babies born alive anywhere in Australia.

Today, please urge all Senators to vote for Senator Babet’s motion and stand for birth equality in Australia.