Nationals Income Splitting 1080p

Deputy Nationals leader Perin Davey says not every woman wants to go back into the workforce after having a child, arguing the Coalition should keep an open mind to backing a change to the tax system allowing mums and dads to split their income giving families more flexibility.

FamilyVoice has campaigned for this for a very long time. It is great to see a party exploring this valuable way to support the family.

Senator Davey said the idea of income splitting between partners – preventing the higher-earning partner from entering a steeper tax bracket – had merit.

Davey said income splitting could make it easier for a mum or dad to stay home for longer if they wish.

She said the conversation needed to shift away from encouraging both parents back into work as soon as possible after a birth, to providing a system that offered mums and dads the choice to stay at home to raise children.

There is a lot of pressure on women at the moment to get straight back into the workforce and not every woman wants to do that.

Please easily send a message to Nationals Leader David Littleproud, Deputy Leader Perin Davey and Senator Matt Canavan asking them to make this party policy and encourage the Liberals to Support the Family by this great initiative.