NSW Inequity Bill 1080px

Note: This campaign is open to NSW residents only.

The people of NSW have spoken. Why isn’t the government listening?

Overwhelming 85% of NSW residents who filled in the survey about the very bad bill said it should be opposed in full.

Despite its name, the ‘equality’ bill is about entrenching unequal treatment. For example, the bill:

  • proposes to remove the few existing protections for religious institutions from anti-discrimination lawfare, including schools, healthcare, aged care, welfare and pastoral services, while offering no protections at all for individuals of faith;
  • seeks to remove public decency safeguards around prostitution, making it permissible for a person to engage in solicitation even outside a church or school;
  • would allow self-identification of sex on official documents such as birth certificates. This will not only put “women only” spaces at risk but make it near-impossible for religious communities to ensure we are wedding only those of opposite sex, ordaining only men, or schooling girls separately from boys. It is one thing to disagree with world religions on such matters, but quite another to deny them the right to practice their faith by making official documents deceptive regarding people’s biological or birth sex;
  • proposes to allow international commercial surrogacy, risking the exploitation of women, especially in poorer countries; and
  • allowing children to undergo life-altering medical treatments without parental consent, exposing children to interventions they may well later regret.

Please easily click below send a message to your parliamentarian asking them to oppose this terrible Bill.

Note: This campaign is open to NSW residents only.