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Recent findings by Dr. Bella d’Abrera, Director of the Foundations of Western Civilisation Program, have exposed alarming changes in Australian childcare. Under the government-mandated Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), divisive Critical Social Justice theories are being forced upon our youngest children. This must stop.

Key Findings

  • Mandatory Framework: Childcare services are legally required to follow the EYLF, which embeds radical ideologies of diversity, inclusion, and equity.
  • Government Influence: The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) promotes exploring issues of gender, sexuality, race, culture, and the environment with young children.
  • New Principles: The EYLF now includes 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Principles' and 'Sustainability,' pushing children to become 'active citizens' in social justice and reconciliation.
  • Daily Rituals: Recommendations include daily Acknowledgments of Country and displaying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags in all settings.

It is critical that we protect our children from these divisive doctrines. We must advocate for a balanced and neutral approach to early childhood education, focusing on traditional values and parental involvement.

Let the Minister for Education and the Shadow Minister for Education know that you oppose the mandatory implementation of these radical doctrines in childcare.