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Peter Dutton has taken a bold stance for unity by declaring his commitment to addressing the nation with only the Australian flag behind him, should he become Prime Minister. This decision reflects a firm belief in the unifying power of one national flag, a symbol that represents all Australians regardless of their backgrounds.

As Mr Dutton stated: “I’m very strongly of the belief that we are a country united under one flag and if we’re asking people to identify with different flags, no other country does that, and we are dividing our country unnecessarily,” he told Sky News.

At a time when identity politics threatens to divide our nation, it’s refreshing to see a leader emphasise what unites us rather than what sets us apart. Mr Dutton’s recognition of the Australian flag as a unifying symbol aligns with the values of millions of Australians who long for greater national cohesion and pride.

It’s essential that we thank Peter Dutton for standing firm on this issue and resisting pressure to adopt practices that could further divide our nation.

Please take a moment to send a quick message thanking Peter Dutton for his stance.

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