Lessons from the Sydney Opera House

Lessons from the Sydney Opera House

Lessons from the Sydney Opera House

David d'Lima - July 2020

Looking at the history of the Sydney Opera House,
which was opened by Queen Elizabeth in 1973, we
can find several illustrations of biblical principles which may encourage our Christian ambition to share the message of Christ and the blessing of God.

We see Danish architect Jørn Utzon dreaming and sketching a building so breathtaking in scope that those who judged the designs felt compelled to reject his brilliant proposal as impossibly ambitious - until one judge who arrived late to the adjudication insisted the design be reconsidered. We see Utzon as a dreamer and craftsman, made in the image of Almighty God (the Author of all visionary workmanship). We may also note how often the plans of God are rejected by unresponsive humanity!

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Created Date: 11-19-2021