
Cancel Culture In Academia
Cancel Culture In Academia Webinar - Filmed Tuesday August 31, 2021. Guest Speakers: Professor Dr Peter Ridd, Dr Stephen Chavura and Drew Pavlou.                                                      Cancel culture and political correctness are destroying free speech and Western civilisation’s institutions and way of life. Prof Peter Ridd is challenging his dismissal from James Cook University in the High Court after being ‘cancelled’ by the university for his views. He is a Physicist and author of Reef Heresy Science, Research and the Great Barrier Reef. Dr. Stephen Chavura, from Campion College, is a contributor to The Australian, Spectator Australia and ABC Religion and Ethics and argues that it will require courage to stand up to the activist mobs who seek to stifle free speech through the threat of social, professional, and cultural cancellation.
Can ‘The Voice’ Improve Anything?
Can ‘The Voice’ Improve Anything? Webinar with Anthony Dillon & Andrew McColl. Filmed: Thursday 16 March, 2023    Anthony Dillon is a psychologist, and a researcher at the Australian Catholic University in Sydney. He’s a regular commentator on Aboriginal affairs, and has been telling audiences for two decades that political correctness (focusing on differences and identity politics) is killing Aboriginal people as fast as drugs and alcohol.
Babies Born Alive
Babies Born Alive Webinar     With Robbie Katter       Hosted by Andrew McColl (National Webinar Host and QLD Director, FamilyVoice)           What should be done with babies that survive an abortion? Should they be left to die? The Bible says “No!” Join Andrew McColl (National Webinar Host - FamilyVoice Australia) as he interviews QLD Katter Party Leader Robbie Katter, on legislation he’s proposing on this vital subject.       Filmed: Tuesday 14 May, 2024
Attorney-General Sen Hon. Michaelia Cash: Religious Discrimination Bill-Has The Government Delivered
Religious Discrimination Bill – Has the Government Delivered? - Filmed Wednesday December 15, 2021. Guest presenter: Attorney-General Sen Hon. Michaelia Cash.                                                        The government, as promised, has released its Religious Discrimination bill and now faces the electorate and the crossbench parties to make it law before the 2022 election. Has the RD bill delivered what it said it will? Will the Australian Christian community accept the bill as meeting its requirements? Who will oppose the bill? Hear the Attorney-General’s summary of the bill?
Age of Innocence: The Impact of Pornography on Christian Parents, Schools & Churches
Age of Innocence: The Impact of Pornography on Christian Parents, Schools & Churches - Filmed Tuesday February 15, 2022. Guest presenters: Dr Darryl Mead & Marshall Ballantine-Jones PhD (Medicine).                                                        Dr Darryl Mead: Dr Mead is Chairman at The Reward Foundation, a sex and relationship education charity based in Edinburgh, Scotland. He is an expert on the internet and the information age responsible for the health and social impacts of internet pornography consumption. Darryl researched the risks that unlimited internet pornography consumption can cause families.   Marshall Ballantine-Jones PhD (Medicine): Marshall is CEO at DigiHelp involved in school-based programs for addressing sexualised media and pornography helping students to avoid the dangerous online world. DigiHelp provides powerful solutions to the negative effects of pornography and social media on families.
'The Voice' and 'Misinformation'
'The Voice' and 'Misinformation' Webinar Webinar     with Augusto Zimmermann & Andrew McColl       Will ‘The Voice,’ referendum really help anyone? Could legislation on ‘Misinformation,’ be a means of community oppression? Join us, with Professor Augusto Zimmermann, to find out.       Filmed: Tuesday 10 October, 2023