
The Future of Christian Schooling in Australia
The Future of Christian Schooling in Australia     With Mark Spencer (Policy Director of Christian Schools Australia) and Nick Goiran MLC (WA) Hosted by: Andrew McColl (National Webinar Host and QLD Director, FamilyVoice) and Darryl Budge (WA Director, FamilyVoice)       Proposed amendments to our nation’s discrimination and anti-vilification law threaten fundamental freedoms of Christian schools and beyond. There are moves to expand the draconian Victorian model to other states. The voices of Christians are needed to speak out. Join FamilyVoice and our special guests, as we explain the landscape and how to respond. With over thirty years professional experience serving Christian schools, Mark Spencer is the senior political advocate and policy advisor for the largest Australian association of Christian schools, Christian Schools Australia. Hon. Nick Goiran MLC has been advocating for Christian schools and fundamental Christian freedoms for the past 13 years in the Upper House of WA’s Parliament.       Filmed: Thursday 14 December, 2023
The Case For The Privatisation Of The ABC Webinar
The Case For The Privatisation Of The ABC Webinar - Filmed Monday August 2, 2021. Guest Speakers: Senator Alex Antic - Federal Senator for South Australia, Liberal Party & Sinclair Davidson - Professor of Institutional Economics RMIT University.                                                      When our family, freedom and faith beliefs as Christians are under attack by the publicly funded ABC, we need to voice our concerns in the public arena. The ABC has a special duty to report news and topical issues accurately in a fair-minded, balanced manner. Instead, the ABC has become a vehicle for promoting anti-Christian causes that raise a strong suspicion of a moralistic witch-hunt mentality. Should it be privatised to better reflect true community views?Hear from SA Senator, Senator Alex Antic, and Sinclair Davidson, Professor of Institutional Economics RMIT University.
The Battle For Your Rights Webinar - With Henry Pike MP
The Battle For Your Rights Webinar     With Henry Pike MP     Hosted by Andrew McColl (National Webinar Host & QLD Director - FamilyVoice Australia)       Why have human rights become so controversial? And why did our constitutional writers decline to address them? Join Andrew McColl (National Webinar Host - FamilyVoice Australia) , as he speaks with Federal Liberal MP, and Deputy Chair of the Parliament’s Human Rights Committee, Henry Pike, on this vexed subject.     Filmed: 9 July 2024
The 'No' Case for Euthanasia & Voluntary Assisted Dying
The 'No' Case for Euthanasia & Voluntary Assisted Dying - Filmed Wednesday July 21, 2021. Guest Speakers: Kevin Conolly MP - NSW Parliament & Alex Schadenberg - Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (Canada).                                                      We do not want euthanasia legalised in NSW. Euthanasia is not a solution. Euthanasia is not healthcare. Euthanasia is not palliative care. The term Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) sends the wrong message to everyone whilst Euthanasia organisations are feeding misinformation to your MPs. Hear international anti-euthanasia campaigner Alex Schadenberg the Executive Director of Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (Canada), Prof John Whitehall from the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia, and NSW MP Kevin Conolly will speak out against a Euthanasia bill.
Supporting the Pregnant and Vulnerable
Supporting the Pregnant and Vulnerable Webinar with Juliet Ballinger & Andrew McColl Filmed: 1 December, 2022     Juliet Ballinger is the Executive Director of Eva’s Place, located in Toowoomba, Kingaroy, Dalby and Roma, Qld. Eva’s Place provides empathy, counselling and support for girls and women facing an unexpected pregnancy, along with the practical provisions necessary for a Mum and her new-born child: Christianity in action! Find out what led to this, how Juliet and her staff manage to accomplish this, and what you could do, where you are!
Standing Against the Transgender Ideology
Standing Against the Transgender Ideology - Filmed Tuesday August 15, 2023. With Kirralie Smith & Andrew McColl.                                                    When Kirralie Smith, FamilyVoice’s 2023 “Mother of the Year", felt that the ground was moving under her, what did she do? She took action! In the face of lying transgender propaganda, she’s simply stated that: "It’s not loving to lie…you don’t help someone by affirming a lie…[and] it is not violence or bullying to state the truth that men are not women!" Her fight’s not over yet, but she’s begun it, and she’s to be admired!
Shining A Light
Shining A Light. Webinar with Dave Pellowe & Andrew McColl. Filmed: Thursday 15 June, 2023    How should Christian interact with their culture? Dave Pellowe is the convenor of the annual Australian Church and State Summit, and host of The Church And State Show on The Good Sauce and ADH TV. Having gained experience in major and minor party political campaigns, Dave formed the Church and State ministry in 2016, with the goal of arming Christians to influence culture.
Say 'No' To Voluntary Assistant Dying in NSW and QLD
Say 'No' To Voluntary Assistant Dying in NSW and QLD - Filmed Monday September 20, 2021. Guest Speakers: Rev. Hon. Fred Nile MLC, Kevin Conolly MP, Associate Professor Megan Best and Dr Mark Robinson MP.                                                     This webinar will highlight the dangers of Alex Greenwich’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 which would make the act of one person killing another legal in NSW. This bill would be State-Sanctioned Suicide which makes a mockery of ‘suicide prevention’ campaigns by peak NSW organisations, families, and the medical profession. Hear the arguments against the bill from keynote NSW & QLD Parliamentarians and a Professor of Bioethics at University of Notre Dame.
Religious Freedom in Australia: An Update
Religious Freedom in Australia: An Update Webinar - Filmed Monday February 8, 2021. Guest Speaker: The Hon. Kevin Andrews, MP.                                                      The Hon. Kevin Andrews MP has been a member of the Australian Commonwealth Parliament, since 1991, serving as the member for the Victorian seat of Menzies in the House of Representatives. He is the Chairman of the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and Chairman of the Human Right Sub-Committee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade. In 2018 he was Chair of the Inquiry into the status of religion or belief which focussed on the protection of the right to freedom or belief in Australia.
Religious Freedom - When and What?
Religious Freedom - When and What? - Filmed Tuesday September 28, 2021. Guest Speakers: Rohan McHugh, Peter Kurti, Senator the Hon. Concetta Fierravanti-Wells and John Steenhof..                                                    The Attorney-General has confirmed that the government takes the issue of discrimination against Australians on the grounds of their religious beliefs seriously. But where is the bill? Hear our Panel discuss the RF bill and what next for Christians?
Religion Under The Biden Administration
Religion Under The Biden Administration - Filmed Monday July 5, 2021. Guest Speaker: Rev. Cn. Phil Ashey, President of the American Anglican Council.                                                      The Rev. Cn. Phil Ashey is President of the American Anglican Council. Phil grew up in a Christian family, a “priest’s kid” and gave his life to Christ in 1968. A graduate of Stanford and Loyola Law School, he served as a Deputy DA in Orange County California. He was ordained in 1988, and spent twenty years leading Episcopal and Anglican congregations. Phil’s focus and passion is to develop Biblically faithful leaders at all levels of the Church—both here in North America and across the Anglican Communion.
Pushing Back the Transgender Propaganda
Pushing Back the Transgender Propaganda Webinar With Senator Gerard Rennick. Hosted by: Andrew McColl (National Webinar Host and QLD Director, FamilyVoice). Opposition to Transgender ideology is growing, but some government departments continue to foist this propaganda on innocent and trusting children, as though it’s harmless and “affirming.” What good can come to them from this?   Join Andrew McColl (National Webinar Host), as he continues to unpack this unnatural, unwarranted and anti-family belief system, with LNP QLD Senator Gerard Rennick. Filmed: Monday 22 April, 2024