press release

A religious freedom bill introduced by NSW MP Mark Latham is “long overdue and will help to safeguard freedom and faith,” according to Christian advocacy group FamilyVoice Australia.

“FamilyVoice Australia urges all NSW political parties to allow debate and a conscience vote on Mark  Latham’s freedom bill that is long overdue and will help to safeguard freedom and faith,” said FamilyVoice spokesman Greg Bondar.

“The bill is based on the recommendations of the Ruddock Religious Freedom Review that is yet to see any legislative outcome,” he said.

Mark Latham’s bill is designed to amend anti-discrimination legislation to protect the expression of religious belief or activity. Currently, anti-discrimination protections in NSW beyond relate to citizenship, gender, sexuality, race, disability, etc but not religious faith. The bill is currently under review in the NSW Parliament.

The Latham bill is critical for all NSW Australians in the wake of the recent decision in which the anti-discrimination board rejected a complaint filed by serial litigant Gary Burns. 

“We support Latham’s move to require the President of the Anti-Discrimination Board to reject claims that are frivolous, vexatious, misconceived or unsubstantial,” Greg Bondar said.

“But we also want a rejection of cases that are clearly money-grabbing.”

In a recent rejection of the action against Israel Folau by Gary Burns, the Anti-Discrimination Board rightly threw out the case as vexatious since it was founded on a collateral purpose, as a means to pressure the respondent to settle.

“Since money-grabbing cases should not be considered by the Anti-Discrimination Board, its President must be required by black letter law to refuse such cases,” Greg Bondar said.

“While FamilyVoice Australia does not approve of the use of anti-discrimination remedies to alleged instances of injustice, and although it does not support the use of quasi-judicial tribunals, any reform of their process is welcomed.

“Anti-discrimination legislation is a fundamentally flawed approach to handling the healthy tensions that arise in society as people engage in dialogue.

“However, while such tribunals and processes persist, their reform, as far as can possibly be achieved, is needed. 

The Christian and conservative communities of NSW have been the victims of the current process which has been used as a political weapon by progressive left-wing dominated ideological opponents to natural law."

“The people of NSW welcome Mark Latham’s amendments which will ensure that only complaints of genuine discrimination are heard by the Board” added Greg Bondar

FamilyVoice confirms its support and will urge the NSW government and the Opposition parties to support Latham’s bill ensuring that the Anti-Discrimination Act is a true and fair reflection of the remedies available against discrimination rather than a platform for political anti-Christian activists.

The bill:

Further Details:  Greg Bondar NSW State Director – 0411 854 115