
Pro-abortion MP Nat Cook sounded like she was against abortion, when arguing with her pro-life ALP colleague Tom Koutsantonis MP in the South Australian Parliament today.

Mr Koutsantonis had urged his colleagues to consider how best to respond when a baby might survive the termination procedure.

This brought a sharp response from Ms Cook, a former registered nurse, who described in graphic detail the misery which resuscitation may involve, and said such measures ought not to apply.

“Ms Cook spoke with considerable expertise about the horrendous nature of heroic measures when medical people battle to resuscitate a baby, including the use of a myriad of needles, brain drainage and punctured lungs,” said FamilyVoice spokesman David d’Lima.

“Tragically, it sounded like a superb argument against surgical abortion,” he said.

“Unfortunately, the brutality of abortion is largely absent in this debate that is more concerned with definitions and semantics - including insisting the bill refer to pregnant persons, not pregnant women, lest offence be given to those not wishing to be identified as female.

“Using average statistics, more unborn South Australians have died during this awful debate this week than there are MPs arguing about their fate.”