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In a remarkably pro-family announcement, Russian President Putin has expressed support for male-female marriage and the role of mother and father to raise the next generation.

According to a recent Reuters report, President Vladimir Putin supports a proposed reform of the Russian constitution that would define marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

Putin also said he will not allow the traditional role of mother and father to be subverted by the registration of ‘parent number 1’ and ‘parent number 2’ as occurs in some nations that have legalised same-sex weddings.

“As far as ‘parent number 1’ and ‘parent number 2’ goes, I’ve already spoken publicly about this and I’ll repeat it again: as long as I’m president this will not happen. There will be dad and mum,” said Mr Putin.

The Russian President’s position was welcomed by FamilyVoice Australia spokesman David d’Lima.

“Putin correctly respects the fact that children need to be raised by their biological parents, who ideally are married,” said David d’Lima.

“He is also right to heed the teaching given by the Russian Orthodox Church as a positive influence on the nation, despite the foolish endorsement of same-sex relationships by many Western countries.

“Despite 70 years of anti-faith and anti-family brutality under hard-line communism, the Russian Orthodox Church has persevered and influenced the nation, to the point that the church may rejoice to see marriage and family defended.”

David d’Lima said the Russian president is right to recognise the paramount role of married mother and father to nurture the next generation.

 “The role of the historic faith to shape nations and protect the natural family cannot be over-emphasised,” David d’Lima said.

“But the churches in Western nations must recognise that the legalisation of same-sex weddings has occurred under our watch - to our great shame.

“We have much work to rebuild the influence of the Word of God as a central pillar and the Christian church as a reforming agency within Western civilisation.”

Marriage has been redefined in 28 nations, most of which are Western countries who were founded on Christian assumptions about law and society. They include Australia, Canada, the UK, New Zealand, France and the Scandinavian nations.