sad woman

FamilyVoice Australia supporter Ms B. Edwards has spoken openly and movingly about her deep regret, after two abortions, in the years before she became a Christian.

In the following letter to the editor of The Advertiser, Ms Edwards responded to a column by journalist Paul Starick. Ms Edwards urges MPs to reject abortion legislation. Her letter (predictably ignored) gave her testimony as follows:

Paul Starick’s article in ‘The Advertiser’ (13 February) quotes legal experts who say abortion reform is “evidenced-based”.

Well I would like to share my evidence, having suffered greatly by a surgical and a chemical abortion.

At the age of 17, I listened to experts telling me abortion was a simple, common procedure and I would be just fine. I tried to counsel myself into this line of thinking before and after my abortion, but torment would spring up in my mind. I started doing drugs 6 months later.

My second abortion was through a chemical tablet. Soon after taking it, I had intense cramps lasting three hours. I passed my dead child into my toilet, through immense pain and mental anguish. The images of that day have never left me.

I do not think the legal experts or MPs understand the terrible harm done by abortion to women, especially through chemicals that turn the bathroom into a place of trauma.