Federal Election 2022: How In God's Name Should I Vote?

Federal Election 2022: How In God's Name Should I Vote?

Federal Election 2022: How In God's Name Should I Vote? - Filmed Tuesday March 22, 2022. Guest presenters: Senator Deborah O’Neill, Hon Bob Katter MP, Senator Pauline Hanson & George Christensen MP

.                                                        The federal election has to be held before or in May. The electorate is confused, disappointed, and undecided with both major parties and perhaps looking to cast their votes to the Smaller Parties or Independents. Hear the opinions of four keynote politicians on issues of concern. This is a Panel Session style webinar.

*please note: Senator Pauline Hanson was unable to attend this webinar Hosted by Greg Bondar (National Webinar Host, NSW/ACT Director - FamilyVoice Australia)

Created Date: 03-29-2022