VoxBrief - August 2010 - Priorities for Christians Engaging Our Culture

VoxBrief - August 2010 - Priorities for Christians Engaging Our Culture

PRIORITIES FOR CHRISTIANS ENGAGING OUR CULTURE. By Dr David Phillips, BSc, PhD, ThA, National President, FamilyVoice Australia.





Christians who step out of the comfort zone of the church and into the world of cultural engagement are confronted by a bewildering array of issues. Should we be concerned about the economy, health education, the environment, abortion, defence, housing, violence, the family, corruption, democracy or what?



When constrained by limited time and resources, are some issues more worthy of being addressed by Christians than others? If so, what are the priority issues for Christians engaging our culture?

File Name: VoxBrief - August 2010.pdf
File Size: 264.08 KB
Created Date: 06-23-2020