VoxBrief - May 2010 - Funding For Parents - What Is Fair?

VoxBrief - May 2010 - Funding For Parents - What Is Fair?

FUNDING FOR PARENTS - WHAT IS FAIR? By Roslyn Phillips, BSc, Dip Ed, National Research Officer & Richard Egan, BA, GradDipLibSc, National Policy Officer, FamilyVoice Australia.





Some businesses, and many Western governments, give women in the workforce an allowance equivalent to several months' pay after they have a baby.



Some people claim that paid parental leave is a "workplace entitlement" like holiday or sick pay, and all businesses should be required to fund it.

File Name: VoxBrief - May 2010.pdf
File Size: 245.9 KB
Created Date: 06-23-2020