VoxBrief - May 2012 - The Ten Blessings

VoxBrief - May 2012 - The Ten Blessings

THE TEN BLESSINGS. By Vishal Mangalwadi. Edited extract from Truth and Transformation.





These days, the Ten Commandments God gave Moses on Mount Sinai are sometimes seen as burdensome and irrelevant. Not so, says Indian Christian scholar Vishal Mangalwadi: they are Ten Blessings. We should not lightly discard them.



In 1977 a group of "low caste", "untouchable" young people asked me for help. A minor flood in their village had washed away their homes and cattle. My friends showed me the pride of their village - a temple in the middle of the river, built 1000 years ago. I said, "Our forefathers had the ability to build this temple in the middle of a river. It has withstood hundreds of floods. Why didn't they use that ability to build houses on the banks of the river that could withstand floods?

File Name: VoxBrief - May 2012.pdf
File Size: 406.83 KB
Created Date: 05-22-2020