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November 23, 2022 - Put On The New Self
November 23, 2022 - Put On The New Self  TikTok Devotion Series
October 23, 2022 - A Jealous God
October 23, 2022 - A Jealous God  TikTok Devotion Series
November 24, 2022 - Two Edged Sword
November 24, 2022 - Two Edged Sword  TikTok Devotion Series
George Christensen MP on 'The Church, Politics & The 'Born Alive' Bill'
George Christensen MP on 'The Church, Politics & The 'Born Alive' Bill' Webinar - Filmed Monday March 8, 2021. Guest Speaker: George Christensen MP..                                                      George Christensen will highlight the need for The Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2021 and what the church can do to support this ‘Born Alive’ bill. Currently, children born alive and left to die breach The Convention on the Rights of The Child and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. George is a federal Member of Parliament. He is a fearless advocate for Australian values and culture and has developed a strong sense of social justice. George joined the Young Nationals at the age of 15, where he went on to become state president.
JUNE 2022 - Transcript - TikTok Devotion Series
JUNE 2022 - Transcript - TikTok Devotion Series - PDF Download
January 24, 2023 - Christ Will Appear
January 24, 2023 - Christ Will Appear  TikTok Devotion Series
John Howard OM AC speaks on  'Freedom of Speech   Does It Exist?'
John Howard OM AC speaks on 'Freedom of Speech Does It Exist?' Webinar - Filmed Tuesday February 23, 2021. Guest Speaker: The Hon. John Howard OM AC.                                                      John Howard served as Australia’s 25th Prime Minister between March 1996 and November 2007. He is the nation’s second longest serving Prime Minister, was a Member of Parliament for 33 years, and was Treasurer in an earlier government. Mr Howard is a Companion of the Order of Australia and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States by President George W Bush. In January 2012 Queen Elizabeth II appointed Mr Howard to the Order of Merit. In 2013 he received the Japanese Award, the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun.John Howard will speak on Freedom of Speech: Does It Exist?
Religious Freedom in Australia: An Update
Religious Freedom in Australia: An Update Webinar - Filmed Monday February 8, 2021. Guest Speaker: The Hon. Kevin Andrews, MP.                                                      The Hon. Kevin Andrews MP has been a member of the Australian Commonwealth Parliament, since 1991, serving as the member for the Victorian seat of Menzies in the House of Representatives. He is the Chairman of the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and Chairman of the Human Right Sub-Committee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade. In 2018 he was Chair of the Inquiry into the status of religion or belief which focussed on the protection of the right to freedom or belief in Australia.
December 24, 2022 - Free From Slavery
December 24, 2022 - Free From Slavery  TikTok Devotion Series
October 24, 2022 - Present The Church
October 24, 2022 - Present The Church  TikTok Devotion Series
November 25, 2022 - Grace To Help
November 25, 2022 - Grace To Help  TikTok Devotion Series
Faith & Science - Can They Coexist? With Professor John Lennox.
Faith & Science - Can They Coexist? With Professor John Lennox - Filmed Monday October 12, 2020. Guest Speaker: Professor John Lennox.                                                      "...far from science having buried God, not only do the results of science point towards his existence, but the scientific enterprise itself is validated by his existence." Professor of Mathmatics at Oxford university, internationally renowned speaker and author of several books on the interface of science, philosophy and religion is joining as our international Guest Webinar Speaker. He will speak on science and faith and how we as Christians can be confident in declaring our faith in the public square.