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Freedom Conversations - Resisting government while honouring God! - Human rights advocate Andrea Tokaji
Freedom Conversations - Resisting government while honouring God! - Human rights advocate Andrea Tokaji.   Hosted by Darryl Budge - Western Australia Director, FamilyVoice Australia.
Abraham Lincoln's Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day
Abraham Lincoln's Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day   Written by: David d'Lima   Whereas, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the Supreme Authority and just Government of Almighty God, in all the affairs of men and of nations, has, by a resolution, requested the President to designate and set apart a day for National prayer and humiliation...
Answers to questions on notice on Inquiry into crystal methamphetamine (ice). To the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUBMISSION. 10 August 2015
Alfred Deakin - a key founder of the Australian federation
Alfred Deakin - a key founder of the Australian federation   Written by: David d'Lima, November 2020.   One of Australia’s most influential parliamentarians, and a most notable founder of federation, Alfred Deakin (1856-1919) was a civic authority who is worthy of honour, admiration and emulation, as he sought God’s wisdom for his work to secure nationhood, and as he served as prime minister - a position he held on three separate occasions...
NewsPoint - November 2019
In this issue: Hope despite persecution...State roundup...Positive Christian alternatives to climate anxiety...Euthanasia: a law like no other...Former trans: "I found God. I found freedom".
ANZAC Day Colouring
ANZAC Day Colouring   Created by: David d'Lima
Submission on the Interim Report on Traditional Rights and Freedoms - Encroachments by Commonwealth Laws. To the Australian Law Reform Commission. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUBMISSION. 21 September 2015
ANZAC Day Crossword
ANZAC Day Crossword   Created by: David d'Lima
Submission on Surrogacy. To the SA Attorney-General’s Department. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT SUBMISSION. 14 February 2019
ANZAC Day Resource
ANZAC Day Resource   Written by: David d'Lima
Australia's Fifty Cent Coin
Australia's Fifty Cent Coin   Written by: David d'Lima
Research Paper - May 2008 - The Adoption Option
THE ADOPTION OPTION. By Mrs Roslyn Phillips.        Anglican bishop Tom Frame is among the many thousands of Australians who were adopted soon after birth. He wrote a book about his experience of growing up with an adoptive mum who loved him dearly, and an adoptive alcoholic and abusive dad. his father's sadistic behaviour was part of the reason Tom left home at 16 to join the Navy. Tom dedicated his book to his mother Doreen.