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Good Governance In Australia Prior To Federation
Good governance in Australia prior to Federation David d’Lima, July 2021 Prior to Federation in 1901, people in Australia exercised God’s gift of governance in three modes: Firstly, around 250 tribal groups applied Aboriginal customary law, under the supervision of elders. Secondly, the laws and customs of Britain were applied in the early colonial period, under the Crown. Thirdly, the six colonies governed themselves, almost independently, but under the Crown.
Heeding the example of Florence Nightingale
Heeding the example of Florence Nightingale David d’Lima - FamilyVoice Australia, September 2020 Florence Nightingale (1820 - 1910) is recognised as the founder of modern nursing. Following her excellent service during the Crimean War, in which she organised care for wounded soldiers whom she famously tended at night, Florence obtained the nickname - "The Lady with the Lamp" - based on a phrase from a report in The Times newspaper, which described her work as follows: She is a "ministering angel" without any exaggeration in these hospitals, and as her slender form glides quietly along each corridor, every poor fellow's face softens with gratitude at the sight of her. When all the medical officers have retired for the night and silence and darkness have settled down upon those miles of prostrate sick, she may be observed alone, with a little lamp in her hand, making her solitary rounds.
VoxBrief - February 2018 - Bringing Freedom And Order Together In A Fallen World
BRINGING FREEDOM AND ORDER TOGETHER IN A FALLEN WORLD. By Rev Dr Peter Barnes.         The recent plebiscite on same-sex (or any gender) marriage has raised a number of issues for Australian society, and, indeed, for Western societies in general. A key concern is that of the basis upon which Western laws operate.     Over the last two hundred years or so, the notion has grown that Western secular societies operate best in a context of maximised freedoms standing on a thin moral base. Paradoxically, this has led to those who are most vehement in favour of homosexual rights to be most coercive when it comes to legislation.
VoxBrief - November 2017 - Islam And Women - Stories From Behind The Veil
ISLAM AND WOMEN - STORIES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL. By Dr Stuart Robinson, award-winning author, The Hidden Half.         There is more to it than meets the eye of the beholder... A few years ago when I was on talk back radio, a young lady phoned in from interstate. She told me she was a Muslim and wanted to ask some questions. To provide some context I asked where she had gone to school. She named a Christian denominational school that she had attended for 12 years. I next asked had she ever read a Bible. She hadn't.
Submission to the Inquiry into Palliative Care. To the Joint Select Committee on Palliative Care in Western Australia. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT SUBMISSION. 6 July 2020
VoxBrief - May 2017 - Freedom Of Religion And Belief Under Attack
FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF UNDER ATTACK. By John Ballantyne, former editor of News Weekly.         Many Australian Christians in recent years have sensed that the society around them has been transformed almost out of recognition. Values that their parents and grandparents took for granted are today openly derided. Marital fidelity and family values have diminished, at the same time as divorce and non-marital cohabitation have increased. The very institution of marriage has been called into question, with more and more Australian public figures each year calling for marriage to be redefinded to include same-sex couples.
Impelling the continent towards nationhood
Impelling the continent towards nationhood FamilyVoice Australia, February 2021 ... what we are doing by this great movement is not for us, but for ... the untold millions that will follow us; until this land of Australia shall gather within its bosom all the fruits of the culture of the world, all the lessons from the philosophy of the world, all the high examples from the brilliant courage of our great forefathers; and until the flag of freedom shall be planted here so firmly, and guarded with such a fervid patriotism, that all the powers on earth shall never assault it. - Remarks Sir Henry Parkes delivered to the New South Wales House of Assembly on 7th May 1890, (noted in Honour to Whom Honour is Due by Bruce Smith, Sydney: McCarron and Co, 1899, p14).
Learning lessons from the mistakes of Moses
Learning lessons from the mistakes of Moses David d’Lima - FamilyVoice Australia, September 2020 The Bible paints a very human portrait of the early life and calling of Moses, as a very humble man who had a great deal to be humble about! Having thrown away his princely opportunity, Moses became a murderer who fled Egypt only to serve as a shepherd, until at the age of eighty he most reluctantly accepted the divine calling to give testimony to a pagan civic authority and to rescue the descendants of God’s covenantal people. Our knowledge of the early life and work of Moses comes to us from the Book of Exodus (3-4) which records his birth to Hebrew parents who lived in Egypt among the oppressed people of God. When the Egyptian king gave orders to kill each newborn Israelite boy, the mother of Moses firstly hid him, and then launched the baby onto the waters of the Nile, in a basket. Naturally speaking that would be the end of his life.
VoxLink New South Wales - August 2018
In this issue: Gender theory dumped ... Health Minister opposes euthanasia ... Pokies soar at poor’s expense ... ‘Language madness’ restarts in Defence Force ... How to birth a pro-life culture ... Call for positive religious freedom protections ... Opt-out filters aren’t censorship ... Why the Lord’s Prayer matters ...Constitutional challenge to “safe access” speech ban
VoxBrief - February 2017 - Euthanasia: Are The Risks Too Great?
EUTHANASIA: ARE THE RISKS TOO GREAT? From the Minority Report by Daniel Mulino MLC to the Victorian Legislative Council Inquiry into End of Life Choices, June 2016. Edited by Roslyn Phillips, BSc DipEd.             Debate about legalising euthanasia and assisted suicide continues to rage in most states of Australia. The Victorian Legislative Council established an Inquiry into End of Life Choices in May 2015, and issued its final report in June 2016.     A majority of the committee members who conducted the inquiry recommended, among other things, that assisted dying be legalised in certain limited circumstances. Daniel Mulino MLC, one of the two members who disagreed with this recommendation, has issued a comprehensive minority report that considers the evidence in some detail.
Lessons from the Sydney Opera House
Lessons from the Sydney Opera House David d'Lima - July 2020 Looking at the history of the Sydney Opera House, which was opened by Queen Elizabeth in 1973, we can find several illustrations of biblical principles which may encourage our Christian ambition to share the message of Christ and the blessing of God. We see Danish architect Jørn Utzon dreaming and sketching a building so breathtaking in scope that those who judged the designs felt compelled to reject his brilliant proposal as impossibly ambitious - until one judge who arrived late to the adjudication insisted the design be reconsidered. We see Utzon as a dreamer and craftsman, made in the image of Almighty God (the Author of all visionary workmanship). We may also note how often the plans of God are rejected by unresponsive humanity!