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'The Voice' and 'Misinformation'
'The Voice' and 'Misinformation' Webinar Webinar     with Augusto Zimmermann & Andrew McColl       Will ‘The Voice,’ referendum really help anyone? Could legislation on ‘Misinformation,’ be a means of community oppression? Join us, with Professor Augusto Zimmermann, to find out.       Filmed: Tuesday 10 October, 2023
Will 'The Voice' Help Anyone
Will 'The Voice' Help Anyone? - Filmed Tuesday September 12, 2023. With Dr Gary Johns, Andrew McColl & Graeme Mitchell.                                                    Dr Gary Johns was formally a Federal Labor Party MP, from 1987-1996, serving as a Minister under Bob Hawke and Paul Keating. He has a Ph.D in Political Science, he’s been writing on Aboriginal Affairs for over 20 years, is one of the founders of the group “Recognise a Better Way,” and has been prepared to take a controversial position on ‘The Voice,’ which we’ll be voting on soon.
December 17, 2022 - The Real Thing
December 17, 2022 - The Real Thing  TikTok Devotion Series
Standing Against the Transgender Ideology
Standing Against the Transgender Ideology - Filmed Tuesday August 15, 2023. With Kirralie Smith & Andrew McColl.                                                    When Kirralie Smith, FamilyVoice’s 2023 “Mother of the Year", felt that the ground was moving under her, what did she do? She took action! In the face of lying transgender propaganda, she’s simply stated that: "It’s not loving to lie…you don’t help someone by affirming a lie…[and] it is not violence or bullying to state the truth that men are not women!" Her fight’s not over yet, but she’s begun it, and she’s to be admired!
September 8, 2022 - Children of the Promise
September 8, 2022 - Children of the Promise  TikTok Devotion Series
Education and State Control
Education and State Control. Webinar with Kevin Donnelly & Andrew McColl. Filmed: 13 July, 2023    Can the education of Australian children continue to be managed by state departments, or should parents and others pick up this vital responsibility? Join Andrew McColl as he asks these questions, and others to Kevin Donnelly in our next free webinar interview. Kevin is a vocal defender of Western civilisation and Judeo-Christianity against the destructive and nihilistic impact of neo-Marxist inspired woke ideology
November 17, 2022 - Jesus More Glory
November 17, 2022 - Jesus More Glory  TikTok Devotion Series
October 17, 2022 - Christ The Power
October 17, 2022 - Christ The Power  TikTok Devotion Series
Shining A Light
Shining A Light. Webinar with Dave Pellowe & Andrew McColl. Filmed: Thursday 15 June, 2023    How should Christian interact with their culture? Dave Pellowe is the convenor of the annual Australian Church and State Summit, and host of The Church And State Show on The Good Sauce and ADH TV. Having gained experience in major and minor party political campaigns, Dave formed the Church and State ministry in 2016, with the goal of arming Christians to influence culture.
January 17, 2023 - The Book Of Life
January 17, 2023 - The Book Of Life  TikTok Devotion Series
Challenges Facing Christian Education
Challenges Facing Christian Education. Webinar with Dr Terry Harding & Andrew McColl. Filmed: Thursday 20 April, 2023    Christian parents and other educators are facing significant and on-going challenges today. How should they deal with these? As an experienced Home Schooler, communicator, researcher with a Ph.D, and an informer of government policy, Dr Terry Harding will shed some light on these matters in this zoom session.
October 18, 2022 - Faith in Jesus
October 18, 2022 - Faith in Jesus  TikTok Devotion Series