Political Correctness Gone Mad: Its Impact on Church and Family?

Political Correctness Gone Mad: Its Impact on Church and Family?

Political Correctness Gone Mad: Its Impact on Church and Family? - Filmed Monday October 25, 2021. Guest presenter: Bettina Arndt AM & Dr Kevin Donnelly AM.                                                    Bettina Arndt AM, respected social commentator, author, writes newspaper articles, appears regularly on radio and television speaking out about the laws, rules, and regulations on leftist gender issues. Her latest book, #MenToo, on wisdom from decades of Bettina’s writing. Dr Kevin Donnelly AM, educator, author, and commentator is one of Australia’s leading conservative public intellectuals and cultural warriors and Senior Research Fellow at Australian Catholic University. He warns about the dangers of political correctness and engaged in the battle of ideas against the cultural-left’s long march through the institutions in his new book Cancel Culture and the Left's Long March.

Created Date: 11-09-2021