
Gender Politics: Transgenderism
Gender Politics: Transgenderism - Filmed Monday June 21, 2021. Guest Speakers: Senator Claire Chandler & Walt Heyer.                                                      Hear Senator Claire Chandler talk about her “Help protect women’s sports!” Campaign and her petition to Sport Australia to prevent biological men to compete in women’s sports. Also hear from Walt Heyer who Walt Heyer was a husband, father and corporate executive who underwent gender reassignment surgery at the age of 42, going from man to woman. Eight years later, Walt went back to man again and has been restored to his male gender. He will talk about his regret and the tragic consequences suffered as a result of transgendering.
Feminism's Hostility to Men
Feminism's Hostility to MenWebinar With Bettina Arndt. Hosted by: Andrew McColl (National Webinar Host and QLD Director, FamilyVoice). Bettina Arndt is a well-know Australian commentator who has been writing and speaking for decades about feminism, its impacts on society, and its effects on males. Join Andrew McColl, as he asks Bettina how this hostility to men plays out.Filmed: 29 February, 2024
Faith & Science - Can They Coexist? With Professor John Lennox.
Faith & Science - Can They Coexist? With Professor John Lennox - Filmed Monday October 12, 2020. Guest Speaker: Professor John Lennox.                                                      "...far from science having buried God, not only do the results of science point towards his existence, but the scientific enterprise itself is validated by his existence." Professor of Mathmatics at Oxford university, internationally renowned speaker and author of several books on the interface of science, philosophy and religion is joining as our international Guest Webinar Speaker. He will speak on science and faith and how we as Christians can be confident in declaring our faith in the public square.
Ethical Christian Investing
Ethical Christian Investing Webinar - Filmed Tuesday April 26, 2021. Guest Speaker: Alex Cook, Wealth with Purpose.                                                      Alex Cook is the Founder of Wealth with Purpose, an organisation that equips Christians to manage their money wisely and to build thriving kingdom businesses, by combining the wisdom of the bible with contemporary financial planning and business practices. Alex is passionate about helping Christians ensure that their financial house is in order so that they can fulfil the purposes for which God has called them.
Education and State Control
Education and State Control. Webinar with Kevin Donnelly & Andrew McColl. Filmed: 13 July, 2023    Can the education of Australian children continue to be managed by state departments, or should parents and others pick up this vital responsibility? Join Andrew McColl as he asks these questions, and others to Kevin Donnelly in our next free webinar interview. Kevin is a vocal defender of Western civilisation and Judeo-Christianity against the destructive and nihilistic impact of neo-Marxist inspired woke ideology
Does Christianity Have a Future  Under Labor?
Does Christianity Have a Future Under Labor? - Filmed Monday December 6, 2021. Guest presenter: Senator Hon. Kristina Keneally.                                                        The federal election will be next year (before May) so hear the views of Labor with Sen Hon Kristina Keneally on various issues including Aged Care, Religious Discrimination, Families, and policies on various social, moral, ethical and economic issues.
Decriminalising Prostitution Webinar
Decriminalising Prostitution Webinar     With Ally Diamond     Hosted by Andrew McColl (National Webinar Host & QLD Director - FamilyVoice Australia)       The QLD government is determined to decriminalise prostitution, permitting it to operate like any other business. But is this what Queenslanders want? Will it be good for QLD? Join Andrew McColl (Qld Director, FamilyVoice), as he interviews Ally Diamond (an ex-prostitute) on this controversial subject.     Filmed: 30 May 2024
Climate Change?– The Demise of Western Living Standards
Climate Change?– The Demise of Western Living Standards - Filmed Monday May 23, 2022. Guest presenter: Professor Ian Rutherford Plimer.                                                        Emeritus Professor Ian Rutherford Plimer is an Australian geologist and academic. A prominent critic of the theory of anthropogenic global warming. He has authored approximately 60 academic papers over 36 years, and six books. He held chairs of earth sciences at the Universities of Newcastle, Melbourne, Adelaide and in Munich. His new book is Green Murder: A life sentence of net zero with no parole.
Christianity In Australia: Future Prognosis
Christianity In Australia: Future Prognosis - With Mark McCrindle - Filmed Monday November 16, 2020. Guest Speaker: Mark McCrindle.                                                      Mark is a Christian social analyst with an international following. His passions lie in tracking emerging issues, researching social trends and analysing customer segments. Mark is an advisor to executive boards and committees across Australia. As a sought-after demographer, futurist and social commentator, he’s delivered over 100 keynotes in the last year.
Christian's In the Public Sphere
Christian's In the Public Sphere Webinar     With John Steenhof     Hosted by Andrew McColl (National Webinar Host and QLD Director, FamilyVoice)         What can happen when Christians enter the public sphere? John Steenhof is the principal lawyer at the Human Rights Law Alliance, that specialises in religious liberty and freedom of thought, speech, and conscience. The father of six, John had twenty years’ experience in law prior to the establishment of HRLA in 2019.       Filmed: Thursday 2 May, 2024    
Christian Youth Forum: Challenges in a Secular Australia
Christian Youth Forum: Challenges in a Secular Australia Webinar - Filmed Monday March 29, 2021. Guest Speakers: Rev Mike Dicker & Dr Ruth Lukabyo from Youthworks College.                                                      Youthworks College exists to see an effective youth and children's ministry in every church and to support the work of the gospel in churches and schools to present children, youth and families mature in Christ. But there are challenges for Christian youth in the education (public) arena. To highlight these challenges, Mike and Ruth will share their experiences and provide suggested solutions for youth, churches and parents.
Challenges Facing Christian Education
Challenges Facing Christian Education. Webinar with Dr Terry Harding & Andrew McColl. Filmed: Thursday 20 April, 2023    Christian parents and other educators are facing significant and on-going challenges today. How should they deal with these? As an experienced Home Schooler, communicator, researcher with a Ph.D, and an informer of government policy, Dr Terry Harding will shed some light on these matters in this zoom session.