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FamilyVoice Australia is urging householders to tick one of the Christian faith boxes in the census form, to ‘resist militant atheism’ and promote ‘faith integrity’.

“Ticking one of the Christian faith boxes is a vital way to resist militant atheism that is denying freedom to believers in Christ,” said FamilyVoice spokesperson David d’Lima.

“By indicating their faith, people of Christian persuasion lend influence that will challenge such moves as scrapping the Lord’s Prayer in the Victorian Parliament, and resist efforts to remove freedom of faith within independent education,” he said.

FamilyVoice Australia recently successfully campaigned to retain Christian prayer in the Victorian Parliament, leading to the ALP government pushing the matter beyond the next State election.

“We fully intend to make prayer in Parliament a campaign issue at the next election,” David d’Lima said.

FamilyVoice has also challenged federal attempts to remove parental freedom of choice in the education of children.

“The growing number of parents choosing independent education, mainly in Christian contexts, must not be opposed by politically-correct minorities,” David d’Lima said.

“The case for freedom of faith is made clear when people exercise their freedom to tick the appropriate box in the census.”

However, FamilyVoice is also urging people to follow through with church attendance and activity in the civic arena.

“We strongly urge people to tick the relevant box, but also to start meeting with other Christian believers who also hold pro-family and pro-life values,” David d’Lima said.

“This will promote faith integrity, and help provide united resistance to secularism with its denial of freedom of choice.”

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Large parts of the country are going through a difficult time due to the Coronavirus.

That’s why I believe the prime minister should hold a National Day of Prayer. 

There is a precedent for this in Australia and the US.

The year was 1838 and a severe drought threatened the livestock of the early colony of NSW. The colonists could not afford to lose any more animals because they were critical for their farming work and as a source of food. George Gipps was the governor of the colony at that time. Mr Gipps, a Bible believing Christian, called for a day of fasting and prayer to be held on Sunday, 2 November of that year. Two days later, on the 4 November, the drought broke and it rained so much that many people came down with the flu. This 9th Governor of our nation, in his first year of office, applied God’s wisdom in dealing with that drought crisis.

Abraham Lincoln in 1863, called for a special day to seek the Lord as the US was in a perilous state. 

We are in a national crisis with this pandemic, the states of NSW, Victoria and South Australia are in or have been in lockdown. 

The majority of our nation's population identify themselves as being Christian. Surely it is not unreasonable to seek prayer for the pandemic at this time.

In 1838 Governor Gipps rallied the nation around a unified, proactive strategy; I believe it would likewise be a worthy, unifying and positive strategy to call for the people of this nation to pray for Australia.

Please send a message to the Prime Minister urging him to call a National Day of Prayer

For family, faith and freedom,

Peter Downie
National Director - FamilyVoice

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Good news, the Great Barrier Reef is in good health! It has not been handed to the UN to control. We wish to thank the environment minister Sussan Ley for her sterling efforts in securing this great outcome. Great Barrier Reef avoids 'in danger' tag after Australian government lobbying convinces UNESCO - ABC News

We are asking her to put Peter Ridd in charge of preparing the reports necessary to stop it going to UN control next February when it will be reviewed again.

This news story took up half of the ABC 612 radio news at 7am 24/7/21. They said there was a mixed reaction to the news. The ABC only presented one side of the reaction, the bad side. They told us what Green Peace had said, they put on the Labour spokesperson who said we need a government who will protect the reef and then a very long section to Sarah Hanson Young from the Greens. Science and media doomsayers ignore good news on reef.

Putting Peter Ridd in charge would be a fitting reward for what he has gone through in his defence of freedom of speech and proper scientific evidence and reporting

Please send a message to environment minister Sussan Ley now.

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