
The honoured place of the Queen’s portrait in the Hobart City Council chamber will be diminished by accompanying artwork, argues FamilyVoice Australia.

“Hobart City Council yesterday voted to retain the portrait of the Queen’s portrait, but will symbolically marginalise Her Majesty, by cluttering the wall with artwork,” said FamilyVoice Australia spokesman David d'Lima.

“The additional artwork is likely to make for a very shabby scene,” he said.

FamilyVoice Australia recommends any additional artwork should be placed elsewhere in the chamber so the importance of the Queen is not undermined.

“It’s important to carefully acknowledge the Queen’s important constitutional role, such as appointing the State Governor of Tasmania along with the nation’s Governor-General, and approving the awarding of the Victoria Cross for Australia,” David d'Lima said.

“Every State MP promises to serve the Queen of Australia, and since local government is a creation of the State, it is completely inappropriate for the Council to diminish the honour due to Her Majesty.”

Portraits of the Queen remind public officials to maintain constancy of purpose, with gracious behaviour, following the remarkable example set by Queen Elizabeth, who will soon reach 70 years of service, David d'Lima said.

“Instead of disrespecting the Queen, honourable councillors would better serve the City of Hobart by considering how best to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Accession Anniversary that is just over 12 months away.”

The Christian promises of service and devotion made by Queen Elizabeth, to whom Tasmanian MPs must pledge their allegiance (as do Australian military personnel and the federal police) are part of Australia’s constitutional arrangements and Christian heritage, that should never be disrespected.


In a remarkably disrespectful proposal, the Hobart City Council may tonight consider repositioning the Queen’s portrait, to make room for a display of artwork.

Hobart City Council should not dishonour the Queen of Tasmania, but should continue to recognise her important constitutional role, such as appointing the State Governor of Tasmania along with the nation’s Governor-General, and approving the award of the Victoria Cross for Australia.

Every State MP promises to serve the Queen of Australia, and since local government is a creation of the State, it is completely inappropriate for the Council to consider removing the Monarch’s picture.

Portraits of the Queen also provide a helpful reminder that public officials do well to serve with constancy of purpose, and with gracious behaviour, following the remarkable example set by Queen Elizabeth.

Instead of disrespecting the Queen, honourable councillors would better serve the city of Hobart by considering how best to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Accession Anniversary that is just over 12 months away.

The extraordinary service and example set by Queen Elizabeth, as she approaches a remarkable 70 years as our sovereign, deserves honour and celebration.



Tomorrow is Australia Day, 26 January. It marks the 233rd anniversary of British settlement on our shores.

It used to be just another summer public holiday. We could have a family barbie, go to the beach, or generally hang out with friends – waving our Aussie flags!

Local councils would hold citizenship ceremonies where those who had sought refuge in our wide brown land could declare their allegiance to our nation and its laws.

But in recent times there’s been a change.

Indigenous activists are calling it “Invasion Day”. They say we should wear black armbands instead of celebrating. Several local councils have said they no longer want to hold citizenship ceremonies on this “day of mourning”.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has gone further, cancelling Melbourne’s Australia Day parade indefinitely.

It can’t be because of COVID. As Bella d’Abrera noted on 19 January,

… in June last year, (Premier Andrews) allowed thousands of protesters to march through the streets of Melbourne for the Black Lives Matter movement. He allowed thousands of people to gather at the MCG to watch the Boxing Day Test. Andrews has even given permission for crowds mill around the streets of Melbourne for the Lunar New Year celebrations. And although he has well and truly canned the parade, he’s still letting Melbourne City Council hold an “Invasion Day” Dawn Service on January 26…

This shows that it was never about changing the date of Australia Day, it was about cancelling the celebration of Australia altogether.

So when I read a recent column by author and education adviser Dr Kevin Donnelly AM, it was like a breath of fresh air.

Below are some of his wise words:

The arrival of the First Fleet and the establishment of a British penal colony mark the beginning of European settlement and a time of dispossession and violence for Aboriginal people.

At the same time, it is vital to appreciate that, along with the 11 ships, 730 convicts and 250 free settlers that arrived in what is now Sydney, were two books that have underpinned Australia’s evolution from a convict settlement to one of the world’s leading liberal, democratic and free societies…

The second book that arrived with the First Fleet was the Bible. Central to the Bible is the belief that, as all are made in God’s image, all have the inherent right to life, liberty and freedom. Concepts like social justice and a commitment to the common good and the expression to love thy neighbour as thyself are biblical in origin…

Such was the force of Christianity when the First Fleet arrived and the penal colony established that the campaign in England undertaken by the Christian William Wilberforce eventually led to the abolition of slavery across the British Empire, including the colony of New South Wales

Such is the success of Australia’s story that, over the years, millions of people from around the world have migrated to these shores to find security and freedom and a peaceful way of life.

And whatever our background, that’s certainly worth celebrating!

Peter Downie - National Director

FamilyVoice Australia




The quest to being heard on national media has been challenging. But our prayers are being answered.

FamilyVoice Australia now has a regular segment on the national radio program with Neil Johnson at Vision Christian radio. Each week Greg Bondar, spokesman for FamilyVoice, shares up to date issues on abortion, conversion therapy, euthanasia, religious freedom and a host of current ethical and moral research topics.

Greg’s Podcasts are now available each week. 

There is also a link to a playlist on their podcast platform which includes Greg’s weekly segments with Neil. This playlist will update automatically as new podcasts are uploaded each week.


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There have been some dramatic events in the United States this year. But you may have missed one of them.

The priorities of Joe Biden’s presidency became clearer on New Year’s Day when Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Speaker of the US House of Representatives, proposed new rules for the conduct of the House.

The new rules narrowly passed along party lines on 4 January. One requires “gender-neutral language” in the official House rules document.

From now on, terms such as “mother”, “father”, “son”, daughter”, “brother” and “sister” must go - and “parent”, “child” and “sibling” used instead. “Himself” and “herself” must be changed to “themself”(!).

Australian commentator Gerard Henderson says: “It’s easy to make fun of such rules and wonder what will become of the likes of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. However, this action is a strike at the ordinary language of Americans.”

It’s a strike against our language too. The push to eliminate any distinction between men and women has been going on for some time in Australia. Just not quite that far – for now.

Yet the Bible says right at the beginning that God created humans in two different forms: “male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27).

The differences are not only in physical appearance and sexual function. Some years ago, a FamilyVoice resource paper noted:

“While mothers and fathers are both physical with their children, fathers are typically physical in different ways.  Fathers tend to play with their children, and mothers tend to care for them.  Generally speaking, fathers tickle more, they wrestle, and they throw their children in the air (while mothers warn, “Not so high!”).  Fathers are louder at play, while mothers are quieter.  Mothers cuddle babies, and fathers bounce them.  Fathers roughhouse, while mothers are gentle.  Fathers encourage competition; mothers encourage equity.  Fathers encourage independence while mothers encourage security…

“Go to any playground and listen to the parents there. Who is often encouraging kids to swing or climb just a little higher, ride their bike just a little faster, or throw just a little harder? Who is encouraging kids to be careful? Mothers tend toward caution while fathers often encourage kids to push the limits. Joined together, they keep each other in balance and help children remain safe while expanding their experiences and confidence.”

Some people claim that these differences are merely the result of social conditioning – the way boys and girls are treated by their families.

But scientists are increasingly finding that the differences are hard-wired in the brain. US psychology professor Diane Halpern reports:

“In a study of 34 rhesus monkeys, for example, males strongly preferred toys with wheels over plush toys, whereas females found plush toys likable. It would be tough to argue that the monkeys’ parents bought them sex-typed toys or that simian society encourages its male offspring to play more with trucks. A much more recent study established that boys and girls 9 to 17 months old — an age when children show few if any signs of recognizing either their own or other children’s sex — nonetheless show marked differences in their preference for stereotypically male versus stereotypically female toys.”

Mothers and fathers have important differences, and their children ideally need both. Vive la difference!

Peter Downie - National Director

FamilyVoice Australia