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Last week the world lost one of its greatest Christian apologists, Ravi Zacharias. 

Born in India, he died in the US aged 74 after a short battle with cancer – knowing that he would be going to join his Lord.

Ravi grew up in an Anglican family, but rebelled as a teenager. He became very depressed – to the point of attempting suicide. 

But afterwards his life turned upside down. When he was recovering in hospital, a young Christian man explained the gospel to him. He decided to follow Jesus.

Ravi moved to Canada and later the US. He felt God calling him to share his faith with others – in all parts of society, but especially in academic and intellectual circles that tend to embrace atheism and mock Christianity.

Like the Apostle Paul, who argued for the Christian faith with philosophers and religious leaders in Athens and elsewhere, Ravi debated with university dons and students about the fundamental questions of life. They had no answers, but God did.

Ravi Zacharias is widely known for his lectures and more than 30 books. But one part of his resumé particularly interested me. He was one of the Christian leaders from across the world – Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox – who came together in New York in November 2009 to sign what was called the Manhattan Declaration.

This important document affirms key principles that FamilyVoice stands for. It says (in part):

In this declaration we affirm: 

1) the profound, inherent, and equal dignity of every human being as a creature fashioned in the very image of God, possessing inherent rights of equal dignity and life; 

2) marriage as a conjugal union of man and woman, ordained by God from the creation, and historically understood by believers and non-believers alike, to be the most basic institution in society and; 

3) religious liberty, which is grounded in the character of God, the example of Christ, and the inherent freedom and dignity of human beings created in the divine image.

We are Christians who have joined together across historic lines of ecclesial differences to affirm our right – and, more importantly, to embrace our obligation – to speak and act in defense of these truths.

We pledge to each other, and to our fellow believers, that no power on earth, be it cultural or political, will intimidate us into silence or acquiescence. It is our duty to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in its fullness, both in season and out of season. May God help us not to fail in that duty.

And I say, “Amen!”

Peter Downie - National Director, FamilyVoice Australia


President Trump has announced a new policy that treats churches as “essential” during the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

“The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now – for this weekend,” Trump said on Friday.

“If they don't do it, I will override the governors.”

Trump made the announcement, which will see churches treated as essential in new Centers for Disease Control guidance, at a briefing at the White House.

“In America, we need more prayer not less,” said Trump.

“Some governors have deemed the liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential but have left out churches and other houses of worship.

“It's not right. So I'm correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential.”

Last month Attorney General William Barr warned states that they should not place an unfair burden on churches.

“The United States Department of Justice will continue to ensure that religious freedom remains protected if any state or local government, in their response to COVID-19, singles out, targets, or discriminates against any house of worship for special restrictions,” said Barr.

“Even in times of emergency, when reasonable and temporary restrictions are placed on rights, the First Amendment and federal statutory law prohibit discrimination against religious institutions and religious believers.

“Government may not impose special restrictions on religious activity that do not also apply to similar nonreligious activity,” Barr added.

Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal group which has filed a number of actions on behalf of churches targeted by state coronavirus orders, has called for churches to reopen commensurate with what is allowed for businesses and other groups.

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A lawsuit has been filed against the Governor of Nevada for permitting restaurants and stores to operate at 50% capacity while only allowing churches to gather with less than 10 people.

Alliance Defending Freedom has commenced the action on behalf of Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley.  The suit also seeks an immediate stop to the order while the lawsuit is finalised.

“If groups of people can meet, then the state can’t play favorites,” said ADF Senior Counsel Ryan Tucker.

“The government can certainly prioritize public health and safety, but it can’t move businesses and non-religious activities to the front of the line for reopening and push churches to the back.

Ryan said that the move is not constitutional and “that’s why we filed suit.”

According to ADF, “the governor has refused to allow churches and other places of worship to open their doors to 10 or more people under any circumstance.”

The church wants to reopen on May 31 with less than 50% of it’s building capacity.

It has implemented social distancing and health and safety protocols, but risks the church with criminal and civil penalties if the Governor’s order is not overturned.

“The governor’s refusal to allow churches to reopen commensurate with what is allowed for businesses and other groups is baseless,” according to ADF Senior Counsel Jeremiah Galus.

“The Constitution doesn’t allow the governor to make arbitrary decisions as to who can meet and who can’t,” he added.

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The Palaszczuk government should not open the door to state-sanctioned killing, according to advocacy group FamilyVoice Australia.

“Governments should be doing everything they can to combat feelings of hopelessness and suicidal ideation, particularly during this time of severe anxiety during the corona pandemic,” said FamilyVoice spokesman David d’Lima.

“Euthanasia laws convey to terminally ill people that they are a burden on loved ones and also to the economy.

“Millions of Australians are vulnerable to sickness and economic ruin. Queensland Labor politicians should not endorse suicide.

“Politicians who endorse suicide among the elderly and unwell should hang their heads in shame.

“The Queensland parliamentary committee foolishly recommended suicide should be available to people facing depression or anxiety – as if they are unfit to manage those conditions.”

“Instead of pushing euthanasia the government should address the underfunding and inaccessibility of palliative care.”


South Australian State Director continues to encourage concerned people to urge MPs against any weakening of abortion law.

Joining a state and federal MP, David d’Lima addressed a Zoom meeting hosted by Australian Christian Lobby recently on how best to write to MPs. David’s input encouraged positive connection to MPs as a basis of exerting wise influence.

“The most powerful letter that we can write to parliamentarians is to congratulate them about something they have said or done,” he said.

“The second and subsequently most powerful letter is one offering our help.”

Most of the work done by MPs is not partisan and is not controversial but is related to helping in the community, David d’Lima explained, suggesting we can help that process without necessarily agreeing with the MP.

“But we earn the right to speak by having rolled up our sleeves,” he explained to the activists who participated in the Zoom conference.

On that basis, concerned constituents are in a better position to raise such issues as abortion - seeking to win the heart before winning the argument, he said.

In the Zoom meeting, the MPs shared practical advice as to how best to communicate with their parliamentary colleagues. One cautioned against an overly faith-based approach while another advocated personal meetings relating real-life examples.

“Our prayer is for Zoom participants and others to be better equipped to connect positively to influence civic leaders,” David d’Lima said.