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VoxBrief - February 2011 - The Greens Agenda, In Their Own Words
THE GREENS AGENDA, IN THEIR OWN WORDS. By Hon Kevin Andrews MP, Shadow Minster for Families, Housing and Human Services. Edited from of a speech delivered on 10 November 2010         For years, the Greens have been treated as a political curisity. They won a spot or two in the Senate, but were absent from the real place of political power, the House of Representatives. That has now changed. They will have more senators from July 2011, and a seat in the House. They are in an alliance with the minority Labor government nationally and in Tasmania.     Despite their environmentalism, "the Greens are not a single issue part." Their objective is: "to transform politics and bring about Green government." They are part of a worldwide movement that is actively engaged in the political process and aims at a radical transformation of the culture that underpins Western civilisation.
VoxLink South Australia - June 2017
SA 'Safe Schools' to train teachers, not students... Alarming reports of elder abuse... 'Safe Schools' victories are positive steps... 'Gender reassignment' a harmful fad, doctor warns... Age-verification for porn sites to be implemented in the UK... Myths about the euthanasia debate... Early palliative care, not killing... Influencing the culture: Andrea Williams
VoxBrief - November 2010 - Care Or Killing? The Euthanasia Debate
CARE - OR KILLING? THE EUTHANASIA DEBATE. By Richard Egan, BA, GradDipLibSc, National Policy Officer, FamilyVoice Australia.         All proposals to legalise euthanasia or assisted suicide would create an exeption to the laws which projibit murder and assisting suicide.     Such proposals rely on the assertion of a "right to die" combined with the idea that some people would be "better off dead".
VoxLink Victoria/Tasmania - June 2017
Tas. euthanasia bill rejected... New school code... Feminist ideologies taught in Victorian schools... 'Safe Schools' victories are positive steps... 'Gender reassignment' a harmful fad, doctor warns... Age-verification for porn sites to be implemented in the UK... Myths about the euthanasia debate... Early palliative care, not killing... Influencing the culture: Andrea Williams.
VoxLink Western Australia - June 2017
WA's 19th Rally for Life petitions Parliament... 'Safe Schools' victories are positive steps... 'Gender reassignment' a harmful fad, doctor warns... Age-verification for porn sites to be implemented in the UK... Myths about the euthanasia debate... Early palliative care, not killing... Influencing the culture: Andrea Williams.
VoxBrief - August 2010 - Priorities for Christians Engaging Our Culture
PRIORITIES FOR CHRISTIANS ENGAGING OUR CULTURE. By Dr David Phillips, BSc, PhD, ThA, National President, FamilyVoice Australia.         Christians who step out of the comfort zone of the church and into the world of cultural engagement are confronted by a bewildering array of issues. Should we be concerned about the economy, health education, the environment, abortion, defence, housing, violence, the family, corruption, democracy or what?     When constrained by limited time and resources, are some issues more worthy of being addressed by Christians than others? If so, what are the priority issues for Christians engaging our culture?
VoxBrief - May 2010 - Funding For Parents - What Is Fair?
FUNDING FOR PARENTS - WHAT IS FAIR? By Roslyn Phillips, BSc, Dip Ed, National Research Officer & Richard Egan, BA, GradDipLibSc, National Policy Officer, FamilyVoice Australia.         Some businesses, and many Western governments, give women in the workforce an allowance equivalent to several months' pay after they have a baby.     Some people claim that paid parental leave is a "workplace entitlement" like holiday or sick pay, and all businesses should be required to fund it.
VoxPoint - April 2018
In this issue: Let's stand up for families...Your voice is being heard...Thank you for protecting the most vulnerable from euthanasia...From the National Director...Thank you for "Pressing on"!
VoxBrief - February 2010 - Taqiyya: Islam's Doctrine Of Deception
TAQIYYA: ISLAM'S DOCTRINE OF DECEPTION. An edited extract from Mark Durie's book: The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom.         One of the most controversial television documentaries on Islam ever made in Britain was Undercover Mosque, which first aired on 15 January 2007.     The documentary, produced by the independent television company Hardcash Productions for Channel 4 series Dispatches presents film footage gathered from 12 months of secret investigation into msques throughout britain.
Affirming the historical Jesus at Christmas Christians may utilise the advent season to remind themselves and the world about the historical facts pertaining to the life of Jesus, and commend him as personal saviour and lord of all the nations. A starting point is to explain that the vast majority of scholars (Christian or not) regard the New Testament as a valuable historical source, and that ancient pagan Roman writers mention Jesus - though they gave him no respect!
OnPoint - January 2020
In this issue: Will some remain more free than others?...State roundup...MPs disturbed by 'unsavoury' porn evidence...LEaving a legacy.
OnPoint - October 2019
In this issue: Draft bills fail to protect religious freedom...Free speech threatened in Victoria...SA Developments...Government considers age verification filter...Ricky Chelette in WA...UK actress sacked for quoting the Bible takes legal action...'Kill Bill' follows abortion law...Euthanasia: An evil and unnecessary choice...From the National Director.