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VoxLink Queensland - December 2017
New euthanasia push in QLD, ACT, TAS... Half of QLD voters want abortion illegal: poll... Toowoomba spearheads 'porn free city'... QLD election survey surprise... Queensland Labor 'Safe Schools' agenda appears 'fluid'... Conscientious freedom isn't discrimination... We are stirred, but not shaken!... 'For we are Dumb and Policed'... Freedoms report due in March.
VoxBrief - August 2012 - Homosexuality: The Health Risks
HOMOSEXUALITY: THE HEALTH RISKS. WARNING: This article contains some explicit descriptions. By Roslyn Phillips, B Sc, DipEd, National Research Officer, FamilyVoice Australia.         In 1994, a NSW regional newspaper published a letter to the editor from a doctor who outlined medical problems disproportionately linked with male homosexual activity. They included HIV/AIDS and anal cancer.     Some homosexual activists then lodged a complaint of homosexual vilification with the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board. The Board accepted the complaint. It demanded that the doctor and the newspaper editor justify the publication of the letter.
VoxLink South Australia - December 2017
Police reject 'foolhardy' South Australian brothel bill... Freedom under threat in Northern Territory... New euthanasia push in ACT, QLD, TAS... Right to lineage for donor kids... SES units in state of emergency... Conscientious freedom isn't discrimination... We are stirred, but not shaken!... 'For we are Dumb and Policed'... Freedoms review.
VoxBrief - May 2012 - The Ten Blessings
THE TEN BLESSINGS. By Vishal Mangalwadi. Edited extract from Truth and Transformation.         These days, the Ten Commandments God gave Moses on Mount Sinai are sometimes seen as burdensome and irrelevant. Not so, says Indian Christian scholar Vishal Mangalwadi: they are Ten Blessings. We should not lightly discard them.     In 1977 a group of "low caste", "untouchable" young people asked me for help. A minor flood in their village had washed away their homes and cattle. My friends showed me the pride of their village - a temple in the middle of the river, built 1000 years ago. I said, "Our forefathers had the ability to build this temple in the middle of a river. It has withstood hundreds of floods. Why didn't they use that ability to build houses on the banks of the river that could withstand floods?
VoxLink Victoria/Tasmania - December 2017
Kill bill to strike 2018 election... Schools religious freedoms under threat... New euthanasia push in ACT, QLD, TAS... Hobart worldview academy seeks new reformation... Victorian schools push sex education... Changing lives... Conscientious freedom isn't discrimination... We are stirred, but not shaken!... 'For we are Dumb and Policed'... Freedoms report due in March.
VoxBrief - February 2012 - Are Homosexuals Born That Way?
ARE HOMOSEXUALS BORN THAT WAY? By Dr David Phillips, BSc, PhD, ThA, National President, FamilyVoice Australia.         When Lady Gaga released the song Born This Way in February 2011, the response was phenomenal. The song reached number one in 19 countries, including Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland and Sweden. In the United States, it topped the billboard Hot 100 chart for six weeks. And it became the fastest-selling song in iTunes history, selling one million copies in five days. Why?     After repeating the chorus line "I was born this way" umpteen times, Lady Gaga goes on to equate homosexuality with race...
VoxBrief - November 2011 - Technology: Why Did Christians Develop It?
TECHNOLOGY: WHY DID CHRISTIANS DEVELOP IT? Condensed from chapter 7 of Vishal Mangalwadi's book: The Book That Made Your World, Thomas Nelson, 2011.         When I visited Jinja, Uganda in 2000, I stayed on the shores of Lake Victoria - the world's second largest freshwater lake. Observing hundreds of women and children hauling water on their heads, I was struck by a puzzling question: Why were women staying near an abundant source of water and electrity, carrying water on their heads, morning and evening, 365 days a year?     Were they unaware of pumping technology? That couldn't be the case, becuase across the fields from my residence was an industrial complex that pumped water 2,000 homes directly from Lake Victoria.
VoxLink Western Australia - December 2017
'Respectful Relationships' to begin in unnamed WA schools... AMA warns WA against kill bill... 7000 await babies inquiry... School atheist case: punishment by process... Schools and churches facing pincer move in some states... Conscientious freedom isn't discrimination... We are stiffed, but not shaken!... 'For we are Dumb and Policed'... Freedoms report due in March
VoxBrief - August 2011 - Truth and Freedom: The Importance Of Robust Debate
TRUTH AND FREEDOM: THE IMPORTANCE OF ROBUST DEBATE. By Dr David Phillips, BSc, PhD, ThA, National President, FamilyVoice Australia.         I will never forget the day when I was called to give evidence in a defamation case being heard in the Adelaide Supreme Court. An offical ushered me into the witness box, asked me to place my right hand on a Bible, and say "I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing by the truth."     Most of us have watched television dramas where witnesses have been sworn in court using similar words. This requirement to tell the truth in court procceedings is part of our culture, not just here in Australia but in Britain, America and throughout the English speaking world.
VoxLink New South Wales - June 2017
Euthanasia bill debate may begin in August... Horrific abortion bill defeated... 'Safe Schools' victories are positive steps... 'Gender reassignment' a harmful fad, doctor warns... Age-verification for porn sites to be implemented in the UK... Myth about the euthanasia debate... Early palliative care, not killing... Influencing the culture: Andrea Williams.
VoxBrief - May 2011 - The Case Against Same-Sex 'Marriage'
THE CASE AGAINST SAME-SEX 'MARRIAGE'. By Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch.         One of the most disconcerting items on the homosexual agenda is the demand for marriage rights for same-sex relationships. But the Orwellian attempt to equate same-sex relationships with traditional marriage is doomed from the outset. Homosexual marriage is simply an oxymoron. There are many reasons why this move to destroy marriage must be resisted. Here are some of them.
VoxLink Queensland - June 2017
Queensland police promoting LGBT agenda... Tennis champion drops Qantas... 'Safe Schools' victories are positive steps... 'Gender reassignment' a harmful fad, doctor warns... Age-verification for porn sites to be implemented in the UK... Myths about the euthanasia debate... Early palliative care, not killing... Influencing the culture: Andrea Williams.