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OnPoint - July 2019
In this issue: Freedom at the crossroads...Sex trade gains SA support...A sad day for all Victorians...An Open Letter by WA Palliative Care experts...Resisting death culture in WA...Forced abortion reneged...From the National Director.
OnPoint - April 2019
In this issue: Federal election: ALP to abort our future...Federal election issues...Gender law risks...Lord's prayer unjustly attacked...WA assisted suicide "sham" consultation...SA Abortion update...From the National Director.
OnPoint - January 2019
In this issue: It's time to stand up for your faith...Cleanfeed letter presented to the PM - thank you!...Vulnerable Australians need your voice on these issues...Come join us and be inspired!...Thank you for your support...From the National Director.
VoxBrief - November 2009 - FamilyVoice and the Cultural Commission
FAMILYVOICE AND THE CULTURAL COMMISSION. By Dr David Phillips BSc, MSc, PhD, Tha.        Rick Warren's book, The Purpose Driven Life, is one of the best-selling non-fiction books of all time. It topped the Wall Street Journal best-seller charts as well as Publisher's Weekly charts with over 30 million copies in print by 2006. Why? Why has it been so successful?
VoxBrief - August 2009 - Do parliaments need upper houses?
DO PARLIAMENTS NEED UPPER HOUSES? By Roslyn Phillips BSc, DipEd and Richard Egan BA, GradDipLibSc.        Australia's federal parliament is bicameral ("two chambered"). It has two houses - a lower house called the House of Representatives and an upper house called the Senate. Legislation must be passed by both houses, and signed by the Governor-General, before it can become law.
OnPoint -October 2018
In this issue: Visit our new website!...Scott Morrison is rasing a voice for our children...What's on your mind?...Thank you!...From the National Director.
VoxBrief - May 2009 - The 'transgender' problem
THE 'TRANSGENDER' PROBLEM. By Roslyn Phillips BSc, DipEd.        In 1967 the parents of baby Bruce Reimer, whose penis had been destroyed in a botched circumcision, turned for help to Dr John Money at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr Money advised them to have their son raised as a girl. Bruce was renamed "Brenda". Surgeons castrated him and fashioned an artifical vagina. He was dressed as a girl and given female hormones.
VoxBrief - February 2009 - Religious freedom under attack
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM UNDER ATTACK. By Richard Egan BA, GradDipLibSc.       It seems to happen every ten years. Governments, or government-appointed bodies, think it is time to launch another attack on freedom of religion in Australia. They never call it an "attack", of course - it is usually dressed up, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, as an "extension" of our religious freedom. Christians need to be aware of these past attacks so they can remain vigilant now and in the future.