Christian advocacy group FamilyVoice Australia has commended the ALP for its "renewed democratic cooperation" after the party completed the FamilyVoice election survey just in time for the poll.

"For many years in Queensland and elsewhere we have not received survey responses from the ALP," said FamilyVoice National Director Ashley Saunders.

"The voters in Queensland are entitled to know where parties stand on key moral questions about faith, family and freedom," he said.

"So we commend the ALP for its renewed democratic cooperation ahead of this election, even though the party scored poorly."

The ALP achieved a total of 39 points out of a possible 100 in the FamilyVoice survey, while the LNP gained 68.

Labor did better than the conservatives on a question about parental responsibility in schools: the ALP agreed to definitely support parental rights in education, including consenting to sexuality and relationships programs, while the LNP response was less definite.

However, the LNP reported a strong commitment to daily prayer in Parliament, while the ALP gave no policy comment on that question.

The Daniel Andrews Labor government has again rejected saving lives and opened the door to state-sanctioned killing, according to Christian advocacy group FamilyVoice Australia.

“Not satisfied with introducing the worst abortion laws in the Western world, resulting in the death of more than 100,000 babies since 2008, Daniel Andrews is a former health minister who has little interest in promoting health,” said FamilyVoice Victoria State Director Peter Stevens.

"Premier Andrews and his ministers bullied upper house MPs, as they debated amendments to the Voluntary Assisted Dying bill, by forcing them to sit well beyond their physical limits, resulting in one MP being rushed to hospital.

“After an inhumane four days and two nights of almost non-stop debate, the bill passed the upper house by just four votes (22:18) after an amendment to narrow eligibility to patients that doctors guess have six months to live,” Mr Stevens added.

FamilyVoice is alarmed that motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis are eligible for assisted killing when doctors tell them they have 12 months to live.

“This opens the door to highly unreliable predictions on when a neurological condition will end in death,” said Mr Stevens.

This is the first time any Australian state has legalised both assisted suicide and euthanasia.

This successful euthanasia bill can be added to Labor’s long list of retrograde accomplishments, including voluntary Christian Religious Education being pushed out of schools and mandatory ‘Safe’ Schools radical gender confusion across all public schools.

FamilyVoice fears for the future of vulnerable aged and sick people, as the state pressures them to remove themselves from this life.

Mr Stevens commended the 18 MPs in the upper house, and those in the lower house, who worked tirelessly against this bill.

“Your courage and passion is beyond praise,” Mr Stevens said.

The Liberal National Party has scored highly in the election survey conducted by Christian advocacy group FamilyVoice Australia, while the ALP is currently on a score of zero.

FamilyVoice National Director Ashley Saunders said the LNP gained a “creditable” score of 68% on questions about family, faith and freedom but the ALP is on a “miserable” no score.  

“The LNP is clearly more democratically responsive than the ALP, which so far has declined to answer our survey, just like in the 2015 election,” he said.

“They get a miserable score of zero, having failed even to acknowledge our request for answers.

“We’ve had individual replies from some candidates representing One Nation, the Katter party, and the Civil Liberties group, but no reply from the governing party.

“The voters of Queensland deserve to know where the ALP and other parties or independent candidates stand on key moral questions ahead of Saturday’s ballot,” he said.

“The LNP gained a creditable score for its strong support for parliamentary prayer and freedom of faith within public schools - while firmly rejecting a bill of rights, proposals for euthanasia and changes to abortion law.

“But the party scored poorly on prostitution reform, revival of the upper house, adoption by same-sex couples and the repeal of anti-discrimination laws,” Mr Saunders said.

FamilyVoice Australia calls on parliamentarians to enact genuine and comprehensive protections for freedom of conscience and religion in any same-sex marriage law, following today’s result from the postal survey.

 ‘The Yes campaign has repeatedly promised that legalising same-sex marriage will not compromise freedom of conscience and religion. They must now deliver on this promise,’ said National Director, Ashley Saunders.

‘Legislators must grasp that a person’s beliefs, whether religious or not, inform every part of their life in their family, community and workplace. Protections must not be limited to ministers of religion performing wedding ceremonies but should encompass every Australian in any walk of life who cannot, in good conscience, support same-sex marriage,’ continued Mr Saunders.

The behaviour of some Yes voters who harassed and vilified their fellow Australians during this campaign demonstrates the need for such protections. Churches in a leafy outer suburb of Melbourne were graffitied with the words ‘crucify No voters’. A young woman in Canberra was summarily dismissed from her job for posting a ‘No’ slogan on her personal Facebook page. And an angry mob surrounded a small group of No supporters at Sydney University, hurling verbal abuse, throwing food and damaging signs.

The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights protects a person’s right to manifest their beliefs in public as well as in private (article 18) and recognises the right of parents to raise their children in a manner consistent with their convictions (article 26)—arguably infringed by the Safe Schools program’s lack of parental consent. 

‘Australia’s politicians have an important task ahead,’ said Mr Saunders. ‘If they decide to ignore both our heritage and our biological reality by redefining marriage, then they must also enact broad and rigorous protections for the large percentage of Australians with religious or conscientious objections to it.’

Christian advocacy group FamilyVoice Australia is very disappointed that White Ribbon Australia advocates for violence against unborn babies, having adopted a pro-abortion stance.

“While Australians would certainly acknowledge that the White Ribbon campaign has done much to raise awareness of family violence, their statement overtly calling for abortion, which is – by definition violence against the most defenceless in our society – seems at best unwise or at worst hypocritical,” said FamilyVoice Australia National Director Ashley Saunders.

“We are not surprised to learn that a number of churches have chosen to withdraw their support of the White Ribbon campaign, having learned of their pro-abortion position.

“As Christians our desire is to support the dignity of all human beings and defend against any kind of violence against the innocent or vulnerable,” Mr Saunders said.