WA parents are rejecting the Safe Schools program as “over-sexualised”, but they want a scheme that tackles all forms of bullying, according to Christian advocacy group FamilyVoice Australia.

"Parents tell us they are very upset by the over-sexualised ideology of Safe Schools," said FamilyVoice WA State Director Darryl Budge.

"WA Education Minister Sue Ellery is out of touch with the wishes of most parents and should not waste $1.4 million of our scarce funds on this unsafe curriculum."

The government recently expanded the Safe Schools program in Western Australia, as part of a national approach, though the governments of New South Wales and Tasmania recently shut down the scheme. 

"The program gives special treatment to certain children but it effectively encourages exclusion and bullying of children who disagree with its ideology. It should be cancelled,” said Mr Budge.

FamilyVoice is calling on the WA government to scrap the program along with its $1 million funding for the deceptive Respectful Relationships program.

"The Respectful Relationship program exposes preschool children to the same-sex agenda, expressed in storybooks, and it separates sexuality from biological gender, against the wishes of parents. Such programs have no place the education of children.

“Labor should remove these divisive programs from our schools.”

FamilyVoice Australia understands that Labor is due to release a Bill that would legalise ‘physician assisted suicide’ permitting Victorian doctors to kill their patients. The Christian advocacy organisation said Australia has previously rejected euthanasia, the deliberate taking of patients’ lives, many times – because no safeguards exists or will ever exist that can make legalised killing, safe.

“The interim report by a Ministerial Advisory Panel wildly and illogically assumes that the legislation will pass by only listening to those in support of euthanasia,” said FamilyVoice National Director Ashley Saunders.

“Medical killing is illegal, and is not supported by the AMA, because it would introduce a dangerous shift in our society, making it okay to kill those deemed unfit to live.

“It would impose a terrible pressure on our sick, elderly and vulnerable (such as those with mental illnesses) to end their lives. Doctors and even psychiatrists admit that it can be hard to diagnose depression — who are we kidding here?

“Quality health care manages the causes of patients’ distress rather seeking death solutions, which would be fatal to our existing doctor-patient trust.”

According to 33 of Australia and New Zealand’s top palliative care practitionersrequests for assisted suicide rarely spring from uncontrolled pain, but rather from despair, a sense of loss of control, or fear of being a burden to others. Evidence shows that a person’s desire for hastened death changes over time and reduces when care is good.  

“Palliative care has come a long way in the last decade,” Mr Saunders added. “We should be offering the world’s best practice compassionate palliative care and pain management - not death solutions. Disability advocates have rightly asked our parliamentarians, how can we have ‘death with dignity’, before we have ‘dignity in life’?

“I call on Victorian MPs to reject attempts to give doctors a licence to kill.

“Killing people is not a medical procedure. It is murder. Let us not get confused about a desire for less suffering, and pretend a method of suicide by lethal injection gives the dying the dignity and care they rightly deserve.”

FamilyVoice Australia has delivered a stinging rebuke to major parties who “refuse” to reveal their policies ahead of the West Australian State election, especially on abortion.

“Despite persistent attempts to obtain answers to our questions on family policy and the rights of the unborn, major parties are staying silent,” said FamilyVoice WA acting State Director Darryl Budge.

“To refuse to answer is totally unacceptable in a modern democracy,” he said.

Christian advocacy group FamilyVoice Australia runs a survey before each State election and has urged candidates to answer ten questions on family and social policy, including abortion.

“In recent years we have seen candidates gagged, and heard only silence from the major parties on matters of crucial concern,” Mr Budge said.

“We are especially upset on behalf of all voters that parties will not comment on the question of abortion.”

“As the recent withdrawal of the Pyne Abortion Bill in Queensland shows, policy makers should not ignore voters who are concerned about the welfare of mothers and babies.”

The only party to respond was the Australian Christians, including nine female candidates, who collectively responded ‘Yes, definitely’ to restoring laws to protect unborn children from abortion.

“On International Women’s Day, news that at least eleven female candidates oppose abortion should debunk the myth that views on abortion are divided by gender,” said Mr Budge. 

FamilyVoice’s survey asked other questions on prayer, protection for the mentally suicidal and unborn, outdoor advertising, drugs, prostitution, ‘Safe Schools’ and marriage. Full results can be found at survey.fava.org.au.


Candidates who indicated support for the rights of the unborn include Nick Goiran and (probably) Joe Francis (Liberals), Kate Doust and Teresa Ritchie (ALP), Philip Scot and Terry Popham (One Nation), Callum Burwood (Greens), and David Caudwell (Shooters and Fishers). All Australian Christians candidates also support the rights of the unborn.

Candidates who answered to indicate their support of abortion include Mule Nasteski (Micro Business Party) and independent Craig Buchanan. Animal Justice Party candidate Katrina Love replied as ‘unsure’.

Advocacy organisation FamilyVoice Australia is calling on the Australian government to provide positive compassionate solutions for women both in Australia and abroad who may feel they have no choice but to access abortion.

“Delivering an extra $9.5 million of Australia’s overseas aid to abortion provider Planned Parenthood is not the right solution to the problem,” said FamilyVoice National Director Ashley Saunders. 

“This decision made by Foreign Minister Julie Bishop yesterday is ill-informed.

“Australia should not partner with SPRINT co-founder Planned Parenthood, which has profiteered from selling baby parts in the USA. Australia should instead fund birthing facilities and obstetrics through more trustworthy organisations.

“Many mothers actually want to keep their babies but lack the support they need. We should be helping women in developing countries with access to proper birthing facilities, information and support, not abortion.

“These same things should be made available to women in Australia.”

One positive compassionate action would be to introduce baby drop-off boxes around Australia, at key public buildings. 

In February 2016, NSW Deputy State Coroner Hugh Dillon recommended introducing baby drop-off boxes following the tragic death of a newborn baby whose remains were discovered at a Sydney beach. Baby safe boxes have been used with great success in other countries including South Korea, the Czech Republic, Germany, Canada and Japan. 

FamilyVoice also calls upon the government to introduce “safe haven” laws which protect mothers who abandon newborns from facing prosecution.

“Mothers shouldn’t face prosecution if they feel they have no choice but to abandon their newborns. Our government policies need to provide mothers with what they actually need - love, compassion and support; not termination.”

Pro-life organisation FamilyVoice Australia has welcomed the action of President Trump to cancel the international funding of abortion by American taxpayers.

FamilyVoice is calling for Australia to follow President Trump on this issue.

“Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull would do well to pay attention to the growing conservative agenda and remove AusAID funding of overseas abortions,” said FamilyVoice National Director, Ashley Saunders.

“Funding spent on abortion is money that is not available for poverty alleviation.

“Killing babies in Third World nations does nothing to address the causes of hardship in poor countries.

“It’s time Australia ceased funding overseas abortion,” he said.