Children should be protected from chemical or surgical sex ‘change’ intervention in the same way that the law bans female genital mutilation, says FamilyVoice national director Ashley Saunders.

“Minors are not permitted to buy alcohol or cigarettes and yet they’re allowed to be chemically and surgically mutilated.

“Children are too young to make life-changing decisions which are likely to bring more confusion and harm,” he said.

“Studies have shown that sex ‘change’ intervention creates greater psychological harm.  Johns Hopkins University and Medical School scrapped its sex “change” program for this very reason.

“There has already been a large increase in children being treated for gender confusion over the last decade.  Making it easier to subject children to sex ‘change’ intervention will only cause more harm.

“Rather than encourage children to entertain confused thoughts and mask their problems with radical interventions, we should be helping them by treating the underlying cause.”

“State governments should work together with the federal attorney-general to protect children by banning sex change interventions in the same way that we ban female genital mutilation.”

Christian advocacy group FamilyVoice Australia is reviewing the security of its operations following the incident at the Australian Christian Lobby HQ.

“Pro-family groups get a steady stream of abusive communications, but this apparent terror attack is unprecedented,” said FamilyVoice Australia National Director Ashley Saunders.

“We are witnessing increased hostilities towards Christianity and pro-family values,” he said.

“Opponents of traditional family values and the Christian faith are entitled to express their view but should never resort to violence,” he added.

“FamilyVoice stands with many Australians praying for ACL staff and for our nation.”

Parents choose faith-based schools, expecting that all staff will uphold their faith’s values

A bill which would have restricted the right of religious bodies to hire staff with consistent beliefs was defeated in the Victorian Parliament yesterday.

The Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill failed to pass after a 19 all tied vote in the upper house.

Please attribute the following statement to FamilyVoice State Director Peter Stevens:

“The Victorian Parliament has made the right decision in rejecting this appalling crackdown on religious freedom.

“It is only fair that faith-based organisations be able to hire staff with consistent beliefs and values.

“Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right which must be respected by government.

“The move smacked of hypocrisy.  Would Premier Daniel Andrews employ a member of the Liberals or One Nation as one of his key advisors?  Faith-based organisations should enjoy the same freedom to employ people with a consistent ethos."

A move by the South Australian parliament to embrace same-sex adoption comes at the expense of the rights of the child, says FamilyVoice Australia.

Please attribute the following statement to South Australia State Director David d’Lima:

“The homosexual community has benefitted at the expense of the rights of children who need a mother and a father wherever possible.  Fatherlessness and motherlessness should not be institutionalised.

“This is all about co-opting children into the same-sex agenda.

“The Premier and the Parliament have sent a strong message to the community that mums and dads don’t matter. 

“It’s a very sad day for South Australia. 

“This terrible law may take years to repeal.  Meanwhile children will suffer.”

Ashley Saunders begins his new ministry as FamilyVoice National Director on Monday 5 December

David and Ros Phillips, who have led FamilyVoice Australia and its predecessor Festival of Light as director and research officer for over 40 years, formally step down today (4 December).  Ashley Saunders will take over as national director tomorrow. 

Ashley comes to his new role as a former lawyer, alderman and senior church pastor in NSW and Queensland.  He and his wife Lindsay have four children.

“I have big shoes to fill,” Ashley says.  “But I am looking forward to working alongside people who are passionately dedicated to preserving the best of what this country has to offer. 

“There is a sense in which every generation stands at a crossroad, needing to choose the direction that it would take.  FamilyVoice Australia has a significant role in advocating wise choices that will not only well serve this generation, but also future generations. 

“Whether through its parliamentary submissions or publications, FamilyVoice has a message of hope as well as caution for the nation as a whole.”