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FamilyVoice team members in Adelaide connected with MPs, civic authorities and Christian leaders this week, during a service at St Peter’s Cathedral that highlighted the start of proceedings within the South Australian Parliament.

Officiating at the service held on 12 February, former Premier Lyn Arnold (in his new role within the Anglican ministry) commended interactions between the churches and the Parliament.

Sixteen State MPs attended the service and received prayerful support from Christian leaders who presented each MP with a book of Christian devotions.

The presentation followed a stirring sermon by Rev Peter Zwaans who emphasised the dangers of self-centred politics as he described King David’s sinful purpose of holding a census to assess his own power and capacity.

“Only the fighting men were counted,” said Peter Zwaans. Women, children and the marginalised did not figure - but the disastrous consequence affected everyone, he noted.

The value of a census should be to meet the needs of the community, especially its most vulnerable, he said, “including those in the womb”.

His advocacy on behalf of unborn had special relevance at the opening of parliamentary deliberations, since MPs at some point this year are expected to debate a bill that would legalise abortion throughout the entire term of pregnancy and prevent prayerful ministry outside abortion facilities.

FamilyVoice hopes to alert the Christian community concerning how best to respond in defence of the unborn, when debate on that issue draws closer - so the concern of God’s people is timed for maximum influence.

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By Charles Newington, National Director

I have a friend who is wonderful in so many ways but famous for losing his keys. I have such a deep appreciation for this flawed person because in all the time I’ve known him (and helped him look for keys…) he has not lost his conscience.

He is upright. He lives and speaks firmly, fairly and redemptively. He is devoted to Jesus.

Conscience is an almost forgotten dimension of human experience. Many people seem to do what is right in their own eyes and to live by their own truth. Public conversation rarely centres on what is right, but more typically on what feels right. Modern life for many of us is about navigating through a social complex of values and lifestyles without rocking anybody’s boat too much.

It’s time to dust off the conscience and pray that the Light of the Holy Spirit and Word of God will change hearts, because there are more and more situations arising in which we will need a good moral compass. And we can’t light our soul with our own wisdom. We need the light and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the power of the gospel by His Scripture, and the counsel of people respected for their faith and experience.

What happens when someone in our lives decides to abort a child that is obviously viable? What happens when an old, infirm or deeply depressed friend seems vulnerable to the option of euthanasia (or unassisted suicide)? What happens when one’s employer expects involvement with an event that unsettles you inwardly? What about the movies and other media that we watch? What happens when a friend is struggling with their sexuality or gender identification? The list goes on of things once in the background but now in the foreground of social engagement that challenge us to the core – and in that core we find the conscience – that moral compass given to us by God.

This is not to burden you with moral responsibilities. It is to encourage you to see the people among whom we all live, through the eyes of Christ.

And He gave us our moral compass not just for ourselves, and not to judge, but for those around us who need His gracious light and strength at a moral crossroad. So when we speak of the conscience we are not just talking about an uncultivated, wild sense of right and wrong. We speak of the conscience transformed by the Holy Spirit, by prayer, informed, strengthened and tamed by the Word of God, and the company of upright people.

And how many people need someone with a functional moral compass in this trackless cultural wilderness in which people have abandoned the ancient paths.

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US Vice President Mike Pence has penned an op-ed for the National Review slamming Democrats for their extreme abortion stance.

Pence wrote about the shocking admission from a Virginia state politician that a bill she sponsored would permit abortion during active labour and how Virginian Governor Ralph Northam took an even more extreme abortion stance.

[Governor Northam] tried to reassure [the bill’s] opponents that if a child survived an abortion, “the infant would be kept comfortable. [And] the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue.”

There’s another word for this: infanticide. And it is morally reprehensible and evil.

Pence noted how the Virginia bill came hot on the heels of the barbaric New York state bill, which allowed abortion up until birth and whose passing was followed by ghoulish celebrations, including the lighting up of One World Trade Centre.  Pence stated that:

This shameless embrace of a culture of death is startling to every American who cherishes life.

Pence also noted that only a handful of countries, including China and North Korea, allow late-term abortions.

Pence finished his piece by stating the Trump administration strong stance for life:

Our commitment to the unalienable right to life is as sure as the stone in which those names are etched. And our administration, and our movement, will continue to fight until our nation once again recognizes and celebrates the sanctity of all human life.

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By James Parker,

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has released a media statement relating to so-called “gay conversion therapy”, promising to outlaw therapies offered to people with unwanted same-sex attraction. This sets off my antennae as I am a male who throughout his entire childhood and early adulthood believed himself to have been “born gay”. 

As a contented gay male I entered into regular therapy in early adulthood. The goal was not to change sexuality (I didn’t believe that was necessary and was told categorically by my LGBTQ elders that it was not even possible), but rather to deal with some of the poor boundaries I experienced in my friendships.

As I stepped over the therapist’s lintel, it was of course impossible to leave behind any part of my character or life experience. All of me entered the room, including every one of my sexual attractions.

In brief, over the period of a few years I had morphed into a very different person to the one who had originally embarked upon therapy. The greatest change was that I left therapy feeling significantly more sexually attracted to women than I did to men. That had never been the plan, so nobody was more shocked than me.

What is the Victorian government’s agenda?

Today, Premier Andrews drives the national debate around the topic of whether change is possible in the area of sexual attraction. The fires he creates are stoked by a myriad of LGBTQ advocates and their allies.

It is interesting that, as this debate rises in pockets of the Western world, very few people, including clinicians and members of the LGBTQ community, can clearly define what this therapy is and what exactly it entails.

This question alone should make us all consider carefully what the Victorian government’s underlying agenda might be. This is vital since the legal chains being melted and cast in Victorian furnaces could well be shackling individuals right across Australia and beyond before too long.

In his statement, Andrews mocks the claim that it is possible “to change someone’s sexuality or gender identity.” He says that any attempt to do this is “a most personal form of torture, a cruel practice that perpetuates the idea that LGBTI people are in some way broken” referring to any help offered as “bigoted quackery.”

His hyperbole is based on a report produced in partnership with La Trobe University (yes, architects of Australia’s contemptible Safe Schools Coalition). The report’s summary states that “the historical review” undertaken by its researchers “shows that attempts to reorient LGBT people are recent,” going on to say that “in clinical medicine they were only experimental and were never successful”. (my italics)

Never successful, eh?

Twenty well-known studies over 40 years show success

Researchers of the final report, surreptitiously entitled Preventing Harm, Promoting Justice, clearly failed to access over 20 renowned empirical case studies (see footnote) which demonstrated that over a 40-year period between 1970 and 2010 over 40 percent of homosexually oriented people who underwent therapy, often in the care of compassionate, insightful and trained professionals, experienced some degree of healthy shift towards heterosexuality.

They also ignore contemporary research undertaken by Dr Lisa Diamond, a non-religious lesbian researcher at Utah University, and Ritch Savin-Williams, professor emeritus of developmental psychology of Cornell University who specialises in gay, lesbian, and bisexual research.

Both Diamond and Savin-Williams produced conclusive evidence that many people experience change in sexual attraction and that sexuality can be incredibly fluid. Here we see science backing up the plethora of stories increasingly found online from people who have moved beyond gay to live what they speak of as more fulfilling and stable lives, with some marrying the opposite sex and enjoying parenthood. The recently birthed Changed movement bears witness to this.

Andrews’ researchers also ignored a peer-reviewed 2018 study undertaken by New Zealand scientific research consultant Dr. Neil Whitehead along with Paul Santero and Dolores Ballesteros.

Whitehead and colleagues examined the reported benefits of sexual attraction fluidity exploration in therapy (SAFE-T) as well as the positives and harms in a sample of religious men with unwanted same-sex attractions. Their outcomes show that, “as found in previous surveys, there was real change, little harm, much good, completely opposite to the findings of the [2009 American Psychological Association] report”.

“A number changed a dramatic extent – from nearly completely same-sex attraction to nearly completely opposite-sex attracted,” Whitehead stated.  “About two thirds moved a significant amount, and the rest mainly did not show any change. A very few actually became more same-sex attracted. However, it was rather remarkable how much therapy was found to be very beneficial, even among those who did not change. One can surmise they had lots of help for other issues and found real fellowship in the support groups.”

This doesn’t sound so profoundly torturous and cruel, does it, Mr Andrews?

Sexual agendas and religious freedom

Andrews also told journalists: “We’ll drag these practices from the dark ages and into the brightest of lights. We’ll put an end to the suffering and help survivors to heal. And we’ll send the clearest message of all: Here in Victoria, not only are you good enough – you’re worth celebrating.”

Strong words of threat and of warfare. Also rather strange: although the La Trobe report he relies on says that “attempts to reorient LGBT people are recent,” suddenly Victorian politicians will be dragging these practices “from the dark ages.”

Could there be just a hint of an underlying agenda to all this? Well, yes. It is politics after all.

Whitehead states in his peer-reviewed research (unlike the research embraced by Andrews which has not been peer-reviewed), “The people in this survey had a religiosity very much higher than the general population. However, they were quite diverse – nondenominational Protestants, Jews, Mormons, a few Catholics, and a few traditional Protestants – no Atheists!”

It does not take much effort to understand why religious freedom, a dominant pillar of a stable society, must be mocked and attacked at every level by LGBTQ advocates and their allies after the passing of same-sex marriage legislation. Think about it: if people aren’t actually “born gay” (and please wake me up if they ever find “the gay gene”) then the whole LGBTQ push for newly-minted rights is null and void.

Religious belief and practice have throughout history offered individuals a very real way out of unwanted behaviours and mindsets, and we see today that these include unwanted same-sex attractions. It is for this reason that so-called ex-gays love gays and try to reach out to them, and explains why gays hate ex-gays and bully them mercilessly into silence.

Andrews’ proposed laws are likely only to achieve the opposite of what he preaches.

They will create greater suffering for a number of very vulnerable people.  They will block many survivors of sexual trauma from accessing healing and hope. They send a strong message to Victorians that only proponents of LGBTQ ideology are “good enough” and that those who dare to risk searching for inner freedom outside of the fundamentalist religion of the Fallen Rainbow Bubble are not worth celebrating and must be excommunicated.

This law should enrage everyone who values true freedom. It manifests a dictatorial state deciding whether an unwanted aspect of a citizen, which might well be changeable, can be professionally addressed or not.

Will the same prohibition, or a similar one, which denies a person the right to undergo their own selection of therapy, be placed upon any of the twelve-step programs which presently assist our fellow Australians to free themselves of alcohol and drug addictions, thus saving the taxpayer a small fortune in Medicare rebates?

Will it lead to those with a plethora of sexual fetishes being told that they are normal and to live these out without concern or shame?

Let’s give the final word to gay political writer and broadcaster Matthew Parris, whose column in last month’s British Spectator was entitled, “The fact no one likes to admit: many gay men could just have easily been straight”. He says:

"…there are plenty of ‘gay’ men who know that, in a different life, they could reasonably contentedly be straight. Indeed, hordes are: happy in real marriages with wives and children. And I’ve noticed in myself and heard reported from others how the shapes of our desires can shift with the years.

"In what passes for the gay ‘community’, there’s something of a taboo about admitting, even to ourselves, that quite a few of us (not me) could, with a little coaxing and self-discipline, be ‘straight’."

Will somebody please change the lenses in Mr Andrews’ glasses and remove the earplugs from his staff’s ears? Victoria wants to make laws based on a taboo of the LGBTQ community. If denying a person’s request for internationally proven care is rejected in the area of something as fluid as sexual attraction, and endorsed by a community that fears to look its own reality in the eyes, then what else might such a denial be applied to in years to come? And which member of your family will it ultimately affect, if indeed it somehow manages to bypass you, which of course it may not?

All is not well in the state of Victoria as harm is promoted and justice prevented, where lies are now casually delivered as truth and where truth is now denied the freedom of debate.

As Australians, the challenge we all have is this: if we fail to speak up for person-centred therapeutic choice now, how long before we too are incarcerated in similar chains of faux-freedom presently being cast in the furnaces of Victoria?

James Parker is a former gay activist who today supports same-sex attracted people and their loved ones. 

Studies showing change towards heterosexual after therapy:

Jones & Yarhouse, Book: Ex-Gays? A Longitudinal Study, InterVarsity Press, 2007. Experiencing at least some heterosexual shift: 33 out of 73

Shidlo & Schroeder, Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 2002 – 14 out of 202

Nicolosi, Byrd & Potts, Psychological Reports, 1997 - 573 out of 882

Berger, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1994 - 1 out of 1

MacIntosh, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Assocn, 1994- 276/1215

Golwyn & Sevlie, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 1993 - 1 out of 1

Schechter, International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 1992 - 1 out of 1

Van den Aardweg, Book: On the Origins & Treatment of Homosexuality,’86 – 37 out of 101

Schwartz & Masters, American Journal of Psychiatry, 1984 - 35 out of 54

Pattison & Pattison, American Journal of Psychiatry, 1980 - 11 out of 11

Birk, Book: Homosexual Behavior: A Modern Reappraisal, 1980 - 1 out of 29

Masters & Johnson, Book: Homosexuality in Perspective, 1979 - 29 out of 67

Socarides, Book: Homosexuality, 1978 - 20 out of 45

Callahan, Book: Counseling Methods, 1976 - 1 out of 1

Freeman & Meyer, Behavior Therapy, 1975 - 9 out of 11

Canton-Dutari, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1974 - 44 out of 54

Birk, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 1974 - 14 out of 66

Liss & Weiner, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1973 - 1 out of 1

Barlow & Agras, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1973 - 2 out of 2

Pittman & DeYoung, Int’l Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 1971 – 3 out of 6

Truax & Tourney. Diseases of the Nervous System, 1971 - 20 out of 30

Hatterer, Book: Changing Homosexuality in the Male, 1970 - 49 out of 143

McConaghy, British Journal of Psychiatry, 1970 - 10 out of 40


Labor is continuing its ‘Rainbow ideology’ pro-LGBTQ push, notwithstanding claims from the Left that marriage was the last “inequality” for LGBTQ people that needed “rectifying.”

So what can we expect from a Labor government if elected?

Labor’s 2018 National Platform makes clear that it doesn’t respect freedom of religion and won’t hesitate to crackdown on believers if at odds with its Cultural Marxist agenda:

  1. Labor believes no faith, no religion, no set of beliefs should ever be used as an instrument of division or exclusion, and condemning anyone, discriminating against anyone, vilifying anyone is a violation of the values we all share, a violation which can never be justified by anyone’s faith or belief. Accordingly, Labor will review anti-discrimination laws to ensure that exemptions do not apply to employment in, access to and the delivery of essential social services.

Of course Labor likes to point out the selective practices by organisations with which it disagrees ideologically.  But do you think that it ever examines itself?  How many Liberal Party members of staff do you think Bill Shorten has working for him?

Before the marriage plebiscite which he opposed, Mr Shorten said:

I don’t want to give the haters a chance to come out from underneath the rock and make life harder to LGBTI people or their families, to somehow question the legitimacy of their relationship.

If Bill Shorten’s statement smearing those who opposed same-sex marriage as “haters” isn’t an example of “condemning anyone”, which is prohibited by the ALP National Platform, what is?

Reverend Ian Powell wasn’t impressed and confronted him later about his disgraceful comments:

“You made a comment a few months ago which I thought was disappointing because I like you and I like the Labor Party,” Mr Powell said.

“And you described people who weren’t in favour of changing the definition of marriage as haters who come out from under rocks. Can I ask you not speak, because I know lots of people like that … Please don’t speak like that about other Australians so we can have a civil and tolerant discussion rather than the hate speech coming from, at our perspective.”

As so often with politics, there’s one law for the Cultural Marxists and another for the rest of us.

But it doesn’t end there.  Labor has previously announced that it will introduce an LGBTI Commissioner to police those who dissent from its Rainbow ideology.

Penny Wong at the last election made clear that faith-based schools will be a target:

The Commissioner will address structural discrimination, work towards ensuring our schools, workplaces, and communities are free from discrimination.
