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A move by the Labor Party to coerce public hospitals into performing abortions has met strong resistance

Church leaders have come out swinging against a plan by Labor to force abortion on public hospitals by tying the issue to funding.

The Federal Government provides a large amount of money to the states for health.  The ALP has announced that it will hold this money hostage by making the performance of abortion a condition in funding agreements.

Sydney Anglican Archbishop Glenn Davies said that the policy obscured the rights of the unborn.   

“We need to care for and support women who fall pregnant and do not wish to keep their child for whatever reason. But we must do that without jeopardising the life of the child,” said Archbishop Davies. 

“A pregnancy is a life given by God. A pregnancy that is unwanted represents not a health problem but a responsibility for the whole society.  Mandating public funds to end the lives of unborn children is merciless, unjustified and simply wrong,” he added.

“We need policies which support the lives of children to be enhanced and nurtured so as to enrich our society.”

The Presbyterian Church of Australia has likewise condemned the move.

 Moderator-General Rev John P Wilson said that when it comes to abortion there’s a massive blind-spot in Western culture.

“With some passion, we save whales from slaughter and birds from extinction, yet we kill babies by the tens of thousands,” said Rev Wilson.

“Tanya Plibersek’s announcement today on behalf of the ALP would bring Australia deeper into shame by offering free abortions and making them more readily available.  The rights of the unborn are diminished in this proposal,” he said.

“The Presbyterian Church of Australia affirms that the right to life extends to the unborn, because all of human life is sacred in the eyes of God and is a gift of God from the moment of conception.”

school kids

In an alarming move, "gender-neutral toilet options" are being forced upon public schools in WA

West Australian schools are being told they should have gender neutral toilets to be “inclusive” of “gender-diverse” students, under new WA Government-funded guidelines.

The guidelines have been developed by the Safe Schools clone, Inclusive Education WA.

According to The West Australian:

The resources urge schools to “consider providing gender-neutral toilet options, which should be accessible to any student who wishes to use them and will help to establish a more inclusive environment for transgender and gender diverse students”.

Guidelines on hosting inclusive school balls suggest strict dress code policies could discriminate against or exclude gender-diverse students and urge planners to allow students “to express their identity in whatever way makes them comfortable within reason”.

A WA Education spokesman fudged the issue claiming: “In new schools we provide universal access toilets and adult access toilets which allow schools flexibility for students.”

FamilyVoice WA State Director Darryl Budge said that parents need to be vigilant against corrosive Safe Schools ideology:

“Despite what some think, Safe Schools is not dead.  The name may be different, but it’s the same LGBT agenda,” he said.


Hundreds of outraged parents have pulled their kids from a UK school after being exposed to LGBT propaganda

Fed up over the teaching of LGBT lifestyles, parents removed up to 80 per cent (600) students from Parkfield Community School.

Parents say the teaching of homosexuality contradicts their religious values and have protested out the front of the school over the “No outsiders” program, which was introduced by the gay assistant head teacher.  The Birmingham Mail reported:

Dad Abdul Ma, 46, told the Sun : “This is a brainwash.

"We bring our children here so they can later work as a solicitor or a teacher, not to be taught about being gay or a lesbian.”

Razina Mahmood, 40 added: “This is nothing but indoctrination of our children.

“You are using our children as an experiment.”

In a victory for parents, the school wrote to them advising that the LGBT “No Outsiders” program will not be taught for the rest of the term.


Labor is set to coerce public hospitals into performing abortions 

In a callous move, the ALP will make it a requirement that public hospitals perform abortions in order to receive Commonwealth funding.  This means that funding for life-saving medical treatment will be held hostage to the party’s radical and deadly abortion agenda.

The announcement sets up abortion as a federal election issue.  It comes in the wake of a motion passed last year at the party’s National Conference which praised Queensland’s barbaric abortion regime and pushed for the very limited protections that exist for the unborn to be abolished.

National Conference acknowledges Queensland Labor’s significant reforms to decriminalise abortion and implement safe access zones for patients and workers.

National Conference supports efforts to decriminalise abortion, eliminate the prohibitive cost of surgical abortion through provision in public hospitals, provision of safe access zones, and fully funded, universal access to surgical and medical abortion, particularly for patients in rural and remote areas across Australia.

The motion did not make any mention of the babies who have survived abortion and were left to die or the backlash in Queensland over the inadequacy of maternity health services in rural areas.

The ALP has also promised it will build a new abortion clinic in Tasmania.

The right to life of the unborn continues to be erased on illogical, unjust and unconscionable grounds.

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Momentum for the legalised euthanasia of patients by their doctors is increasing in several Australian jurisdictions.

In Victoria the ALP government is finalising details for lawful euthanasia that is scheduled to commence in mid-2019, despite a valiant attempt by the pro-life movement prior to last November’s state election.

In Queensland - with appalling temerity and a total denial of parental responsibility - the ALP government is asking the community whether voluntary euthanasia should be available to people aged under eighteen years of age!

The Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Committee recently released an issues paper as part of its inquiry into aged and palliative care, end-of-life and voluntary assisted dying. FamilyVoice supporters with medical and related expertise are urged to contribute a submission to the inquiry which closes on 15 April.

In South Australia a proposal for legalised euthanasia is expected to be introduced into the upper house of State Parliament, sponsored by the Greens party. In NSW a bill is expected after the forthcoming state election.

In Tasmania the Parliament could enact voluntary euthanasia laws by the end of the year, as Liberal Premier Will Hodgman may be shifting his position.

In Western Australia the ALP government is working towards legalising euthanasia, with parliamentary debate expected in the second half of the year.

Both major parties have granted MPs in the West a conscience vote on the issue. However, it remains to be seen whether political affiliation in the ALP-dominated lower house will influence government MPs to follow the party’s line.

FamilyVoice WA Director Darryl Budge is urging pro-life medical people especially to contact members of that chamber (the Legislative Council) and share details as to why euthanasia must be rejected as occurred in 2010.

“Since the government does not hold sway over the upper house, that may be the only place to defeat the bill,” he said.

“In partnership with the Coalition for the Defence of Human Life, FamilyVoice WA is planning peaceful public gatherings later this year to stand against the killing of vulnerable patients,” he added.

The Coalition will call for world-class palliative care to provide compassionate physical, social and spiritual care.

“It is not acceptable that WA has the least publicly-funded palliative care beds per capita in the country,” Darryl Budge said.

“We reject euthanasia and assisted suicide as a deep failure of our social duty to care for the infirm, disabled and elderly. Legalised medical killing discards those at greatest need of care and compassion.