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In July 2019 Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he would consult with Labor on the design of the promised religious discrimination act and pledged to introduce the laws to parliament in 2019.

In February 2022 Scott Morrison pulls the plug on his pledge to pass a religious discrimination bill before the federal election due by May.

“Where does that leave around 14 million Christians who were ‘promised’ protection from religious discrimination? FamilyVoice has repeatedly expressed its concerns over the fact that Christians are the most persecuted faith sector in Australia today. Whether by accident or design, Christian communities have once again been left stranded in the wilderness of persecution,” said Greg Bondar, FamilyVoice Australia spokesman.

FamilyVoice predicted last year that the issue of faith-based schools would become an election issue due to a push by recalcitrant Liberal Party MPs, in back door deal with the Attorney General, for the possible removal of section 38(3) of the Sex Discrimination Act in exchange for the passage of the bill.

“Majority of Australians would uphold the right of faith-based schools to teach and conduct their schools according to their faith values. Christian schools must be allowed to continue to teach Christian values,” added Greg Bondar.

The fact remains that the strategic shelving of the RDB at the 11th hour gives the Morrison government another attempt at trying to convince some 14 million Christian voters that they will deliver if re-elected. ‘Once bitten twice shy’ as they say when it comes to supporting a government at the polls.

The sticking point over the Sex Discrimination Act will be a challenge for both sides post-election so why pull the bill now at the expense of the rest of the bill?

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Premier Steven Marshall must rule out making any legislative changes which will adversely impact faith-based organisations, according to Christian advocacy group FamilyVoice Australia.

The Marshall Liberal Government is under pressure to restore confidence with Christian voters after abortion and euthanasia laws passed under its watch and with news this week that the newly reformed Family First party will be directing preferences away from Liberal candidates in two key marginal seats (Newland & King).

“The Marshall Liberal Government gave no indication leading up to and during the 2018 election campaign that it would seek to restrict religious freedoms”, said FamilyVoice spokesman David d’Lima.

“And yet it proposed changes to the Equal Opportunity Act that would do just that.”

“The Marshall Liberal Government even had the arrogance to dictate to faith communities what are and are not ‘important religious freedoms’.

The proposed changes under the Equal Opportunity (Religious Bodies) Amendment Bill 2020 would have threatened the ability of faith-based organisations to operate in accordance with their ethos in a number of key areas, including:

  • children’s education
  • health care and disability support
  • aged care
  • emergency accommodation
  • public housing
  • foster care placement and children’s residential services.

“The push for these changes came out of the blue and blindsided the faith community,” d’Lima added.

“The proposed changes were a direct attack on people of faith and religious institutions which do so much good work in our community.

“Steven Marshall needs to reveal his position ahead of the election.

“Will he continue to attack faith communities by pursuing his Equal Opportunity (Religious Bodies) Amendment Bill 2020?

“Voters deserve to know.

 “The removal of important religious freedoms from faith-based organisations threatens the tremendous good work they do in the community."

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