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moira deeming

FamilyVoice Australia says Liberal parliamentarians in Victoria are ‘out of touch with reality’ after the party expelled ‘truth-telling’ MP Moira Deeming earlier today.

“The Liberal Party in Victoria needs to throw out two-thirds of its parliamentary representatives and replace them with people like truth-telling MP Moira Deeming who hold common sense views on gender issues and sexual education,” said FamilyVoice gender spokesman David d’Lima.

“The Liberals will never win government, and do not deserve to be in government, if they keep espousing minority woke policy positions.”


Christian advocacy group FamilyVoice Australia is appalled at the expense of the recent closure of Sydney Harbour Bridge for a Pride walk.

The World Pride March cost a whopping $900,000 to hold.

“Taxpayer money should not be wasted on woke causes,” said FamilyVoice spokesman David d’Lima.

“This is is an obscene waste of money.

“Prime Minister Anthony Albanese needs to explain why he has spent nearly a million dollars on a homosexual walk when families are struggling to pay their mortgages and put food on the table,” said d’Lima.


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